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Not all do, obviously. Some christians who take their moral guidance (nearly) entirely from their belief in god and The Bible doubt whether it is possible to even be moral without that guidance. They sometimes think of atheists as capable of almost any action/behavior because of the atheists' lack of divine guidance.

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Q: Why do christians think atheists are bad people?
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What are Bad articles about atheists?

It is sad that some religious people feel the need to find bad things about atheists. And many of the same people profess to love their enemies! You could look for articles about Adolf Hitler, as some say that he was an atheist, although others say that the overwhelming evidence is that he was a Christian. It is as hard to stereotype atheists as it is to stereotype Christians or people of other faiths: you will find bad things about some atheists, just as you will find bad things about some Christians, Jews, Muslims or Hindus. But look for the good in others and you will find the good in yourself.

Do Christians think being an atheist and a good person at the same time are mutually exclusive?

Some do, and its sad, but to generalize like that makes us just as bad as the minority of christians that generalize about atheists

Are Christian bad?

A:There are good people in every religion, just as there are bad people in every religion. We can not stereotype Christians as either better or worse than, for example, Hindus, Muslims or atheists.

Do you think atheists are bad people?

Opinions:No. Regardless of what anybody believes, simply not having a religion makes you no worse than any other member of society; atheists actually represent a minority in criminal proceedings (and Christians make up a majority in western countries). It is not religion or absence of such that makes people evil or bad; it is the person themselves.No. Atheists spend more time learning about different religions than Christians do. Just because their moral upbringing doesn't center around the bible doesn't make them bad either. There have been millions of people who lived without knowledge of the 'wisdom' of the bible. And they aren't bad people. I'm talking about the Egyptians, the Chinese, the Japanese, the Mayans, etc.No. There are some bad Atheists. There are some bad Christians. There are some bad people from every culture around the world. Deal with it. To say that just because an Atheist doesn't believe in your god is reason in it of itself to consider them immoral, bad, or evil... well, that's your opinion I suppose.No. Atheists are generally not the ones who indulge in fantasies of you being tortured/burned alive for all eternity for disagreeing with them about abstract concepts that no human is in any position to make assertions about. I've never heard of atheists waging "crusades", "jihads", or "inquisitions" against those who choose to see the world differently. And if one truly needs to be bribed with Heaven/ threatened with Hell to not rape, murder, and pillage everything in sight, then they are not what I would call "decent people", no matter how much money they toss in a collection plate.No. "Morality" is merely an alternate term for "social behavior", which all of us are naturally, biologically inclined towards. People deviate from that behavior because they have emotional issues, mental defects, and developmental flaws, not because of who they did or did not pray to.

Why are Atheists bad?

They aren't, they just don't believe in God. There are many bad people who do believe and do bad things in that belief. Atheists are just people, good, bad, indifferent. You can't say they are bad as a group just for their beliefs or lack of. That is true of any group that is different than the one you are in. Pick any religion, there are good and bad people in any of them.

Does everyone think that all atheists are bad?

No. Mostly groups who feel threatened by the meer presence of an Atheist do.

Are atheists actually the devil?

no What on earth would make you think that? That's a very horrible thing to say, because in Christian mythology the Devil is a pretty ghastly character: full of evil and nasty intentions. Atheists are people just like any other people. There are good, bad, loving, hating, generous and mean atheists. Though people being people, the good tend to massively outnumber the bad, in my experience - just as can be said for Christians, Mulsims, Jews, Hindus and so forth. Somebody appears to be trying to make you prejudiced against people on the grounds of religion alone. This is a nasty thing to do, and I would guess that they are really quite insecure about their own beliefs - or worried that you may talk to atheists and find out what they think about religion and why they don't believe it (such as there is no evidence to suggest that gods or devils really exist and plenty to suggest that they do not). I'd recommend that you go and research for yourself. The internet is full of atheist and humanist resources. Go and find out for yourself what atheists are like, and why they are not religious. Then you can that question for yourself - and I mean that in a nice way.

Why do religious people judge atheist?

Assuming you mean "Why do religios people jusdge atheists as bad?" then the answer, which does not apply to all, is that they view atheists as immoral beings who purposefully reject their god so they can sin, or something to a similar tone (they don't believe in my god, therefore they are bad.)

Are Christian people bad people?

no.if they are real christians, than no.

Is tae kwon do a christian sport?

No, taekwondo is a Korean sport. Although many Koreans have adopted Christianity, the traditional religion of Korea is Buddhism. That being said, there is nothing anti-Christian about taekwondo. Many Christians practice taekwondo.

How can a loving God send someone to hell?

This is related to justice. I personally don't believe in "eternal damnation", but I do consider it likely that there is some punishment for bad deeds.

Is Minecraft a bad game for Christians?

There's no reason for it to be bad for christians.