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A view from a Registered Nurse:

There are some people who are both Republicans and Democrats who are against major health care reform in America. There are different reasons for this. Most commonly, I believe, it is misinformation on which every day people are basing their objections. Much of the misinformation is being generated by special interest groups and lobbyists and is paid for by the healthcare insurance giants, who are making huge profits, applying poor business practices, writing questionable "coverage" contracts, and who do not want to see their monopoly-like current methods of making money changed.

People are being lied to and misled into believing scary scenarios by unscrupulous and greedy special interest groups and individuals. There are politicians on both sides of the aisle, who have taken millions of dollars each in reported campaign money from these special interests. Many of these politicians are actually on the committees from the legislative branches of the US government that are supposed to be creating a workable reform package which is in the best interest of all Americans, but who have taken $3M to $5M and up to $10M each (including the chairman of the committee) from insurance lobbyist groups! Some people investigating this "payoff" believe significant personal funds and other personal "benefits" may have also been received but go unreported. This payment, to say and do what the payers want, is coming from current health insurance company interests to oppose any health care plan that might change the methods of business, or lower the gigantic profits of the health insurance companies, and of their obscenely overpaid managing top executives.

Because of their own personal prejudices, faith in the wrong sources for truthful information, naivety, misunderstanding of and lack of education about health insurance, and the atmosphere of fear that is being promoted by those paid to promote it; a loud minority of individuals from all sectors, not just Republicans, are making wrong assumptions, spreading wrong information, believing the wrong people, and panicking over lies. When people are in these types of mindsets, doing nothing is often their first choice, because of a fear of making the wrong decision. They can be frozen in fear to accept the status quo which is, in reality, much worse for them and for others than the changes that they fear.

Please do your part as a patriotic American to find out for yourself, do not believe everything you hear, ask health care professionals what they think, read about the subject from all perspectives before making any assumptions about this topic and certainly before you pass along what may be totally incorrect information. Stay open minded and do not let any personal prejudices cloud your ability to see through the rhetoric. Follow the money (who has it and who does not) and you will more than likely find the real truth.

To really answer this question - Coming from a Republican:

The main reason why is because of the public option. We believe that in order for the public option to do its job, it obviously has to cost significantly less and provide a decent insurance coverage. Therefore, many Americans will switch from their private insurer to the public option. When I say many, I mean most. Who wouldn't switch? I would. If it were any good people would obviously switch, causing private insurance companies to go bankrupt. If it were not that good and no one bought it, then you might as well not pay for it. If it had fair marketing prices, then it would be no different than a private insurance company and would be a waste of taxpayer's money. There are many other issues republicans disagree with in this plan, but that is the main one.

(See also discussion area.)

Latest polls indicate over 60% of Americans are against Healthcare reform..

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Q: Why do Republicans not agree with a new health care plan for America?
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