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Tsunamis don't only happen in the summer. The correlation between summer and tsunamis, however, is because the waves are created in hotter waters, meaning that they are more frequent in the summer because the water is hotter.

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12y ago

hurricanes do an important job for move Earth.they help move heat from warm tropical places to the cooler temperature zone.To do this,they typically from between 5 to 15 degrees latitude north and south of the equator .Then,they thunder across the warm oceans of the world such as the Atlantic, the Gulf of Mexico,the Carribbean,and the Western Pacific Ocean (where they are called typhoon),up to higher latitudes.Hurricanes happen when the oceans have been warmed during summer months.In the North Atlantic, hurricane season is from June 1 to November 30, but most hurricanes happen during the fall.

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14y ago

Quite simply, floods may be caused by cyclones or monsoonal rains. These weather phenomena occur only during the warmer months of the year, including summer.

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Are tsunamis possible in summer?

Tsunamis are caused by undersea earthquakes and landslips, they have nothing to do with seasons, climate or weather patterns and can happen at any time of the year.

Where have some tsunamis happen in the past year?

a tsunami happened in Hawaii in the summer and that's all i know

Can tsunamis happen in rivers?

No they can't. Tsunamis only happen in the ocean.

When is the most affected season of tsunamis?

In the summer, that is when most of the earthquakes happen. If there happens to be a big earthquake, there is a chance of a big tsunami.

Can tsunamis happen in lakes or fresh water?

tsunamis occur when earthquakes happen. Poo

Where do Tsunamis happen around the world?

Tsunamis can happen anywhere there is deep water and an earthquake. The majority of tsunamis occur in the Pacific Rim.

Do tsunamis occur in summer?

Tsunamis can occur in any season. They are not a seasonal event.

Do tsunamis only happen around islands?

No,the can happen near the United States too.but you are worse of on a island if tsunamis happen.

What place do tsunamis happen?

tsunamis happen in papa new guinea Canada new zeland and Asia

Do tsunamis only happen in the ocean?

No. Tsunamis have happened on lakes as well.

Where do tsunamis happen the most in US?


Do tsunamis only happen in islands?
