

Why do horses need hard flat teeth?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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If they have that type of teeth, then it is easier to graze (eat grass).

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Q: Why do horses need hard flat teeth?
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Why do horses only have molars and incisors?

Horses do not eat meat, so they do not need tearing teeth. they only need nipping teeth and chewing teeth.

Horses teeth dental health?

horses need their teeth looked after. By a vet! Sometimes they need them floated. They file them down, and numb it up.

What care do horses need for their teeth?

Horses need little attention to their teeth. They tend to not out-live their teeth. Unusual damage or injury should be addressed by a veterinarian specializing in horses. If the teeth are irregular they can be leveled and smoothed by using a file. This process is called "floating the teeth". See the link.

Why do they need large flat teeth?

the ones with sharp teeth need them to rip meat apart or defend themselves while the ones with flat teeth need them to grind up vegetation and stuff

Why do tortoise have flat teeth?

They are vegetarians, so they need flat teeth to grind up leaves and other plants, carnivore animals need sharp teeth to rip apart meat.

Why herbivores have flat teeth?

Herbivores Need large flat teeth as these help them grind down the tough food that they eat.

Why do humans have flat teeth?

Horses have large flat incisors because this is what they need to eat tough plant forage. Horses evolved over 65 million years to eat first leaves then grasses as grasslands began to emerge. The large flat incisors allow the horse to grind down the tough plants for better digestion.

Does all herbivore have flat teeth?

yes because they don't eat meat therefore they don't need sharp teeth. they have flat teeth because they eat plants

Horses teeth need a regular process called what?

Horse's teeth need to be floated regularly to maintain good oral and overall health.

Why are the teeth of a wolf not like the teeth of a horse?

wolves eat meat so they need teeth good for ripping and eating. horses eat grass and hay so they need teeth for grinding. -pk...

Why do domestic horses need their teeth floated when wild horses get by perfectly fine without it?

Horses living in the wild have their own ways to get what they need. Such as they have been observed eating a certain type of clay which rids them of internal parasites. Domestic horses eat differently then their wild cousins. Their teeth aren't worn off like wild horses so they need the help of a vet.

Why is the teeth of herbivores broad and flat whereas carnivores narrow and sharp?

the teeth of carnivores were sharp so that they could cut through meat and bone easily. and since herbivores didn't need that their teeth were flat