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Innocent people plead guilty for a variety of reasons. They may believe that they will be convicted at trial, they may want to end the proceedings without waiting for trial, they may want to protect the guilty party, they may feel guilt about the incident even if they weren't At Fault, or any number of other reasons.

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1w ago

Innocent people may plead guilty for various reasons, such as fear of receiving a harsher sentence if found guilty in trial, lack of resources to mount a defense, pressure from overwhelming evidence or unreliable witnesses, lack of understanding of legal rights, or advice from their attorneys.

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In traffic court you can plead in the following manner: Guilty - Not Guilty - No Contest - or (in some traffic courts) Guilty With An Explanation.

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If going to court, if you cannot afford one, one will be appointed. If a child is innocent, get a lawyer. If a child is guilty, you should get the appointed one, and plead guilty.

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The antonym for innocent is guilty.

What happens when a person pleads guilty to a charge?

The court does not assume that you are necessarily guilty just because you plead guilty; there are many cases of innocent people who plead guilty, usually because of some mental illness. A delusional person may believe that he or she is guilty of something that he or she did not actually do. So, the case is still investigated, the evidence is still examined, and the person who pleaded guilty might still be acquitted. However, a guilty plea does constitute some degree of evidence, and it may lead to a guilty verdict, even for a person who is actually innocent. It depends upon what other evidence is available, and upon the care with which the court is handling the trial. It is unfortunately the case that sometimes the police and the prosecutor are just happy to convict someone, whether that person is guilty or not. It counts as a successful prosecution, that someone is found guilty.

Why would a lawyer suggest a plead of guilty to a misdemeanor when a person did not participate in the crime?

Because sometimes people are convicted of crimes even though they're actually innocent. If the defense attorney thinks that the prosecution has enough evidence to convict the defendant of a more severe crime, they might advise the defendant to plead guilty to a lesser crime, which might mean a much less severe punishment.

What word means to be found not guilty at trail?

Innocent or Not Guilty

How long after you plead guilty do you have to appeal it?

I don't think you can appeal after a guilty plea.

What is the company that proves guilty people innocent?

Guilty people cannot be "proven" innocent. Defense lawyers may raise what some jurors consider reasonable doubt so the defendant is found not guilty. Not guilty is not the same as innocent. By the way I think you are referring to the innocence project.(To my knowledge) there is no such agency.However, there are a number of non-profit groups, such as the Innocence Project, that work toward getting wrongfully convicted innocent people released from jail.

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