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because there hot

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Q: Why do more animals live in the water in Antarctica than on the land?
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What animals in antarctica live on land and feed in the sea?

None, no animals live in Antarctica.

What is the food chain of land animals in Antarctica?

There is no food chain for land animals on Antarctica, because there are no land animals that live there.

Where do orcas live in Antarctica?

Orcas do not live in Antarctica. Antarctica is a continent and orcas are marine animals. Orcas swim in the Southern Oceans that surround the Antarctic continent.

Do seals live anywhere else besides antarctica?

Seals live in oceans and in other oceans in addition to those that live in the Southern Ocean, which surrounds Antarctica. Seals are not land animals: Antarctica is a land mass.

Do penguins live on glaciers in Antarctica?

Penguins are sea birds and make their homes in ocean water. Penguins breed on Antarctica's beaches, because there are no land predators there. No animals live on Antarctica: it's too cold and there is no food chain.

What is the only land animal of any size on Antarctica?

There are no native animals in Antarctica. You could consider the humans who work and live on the continent on a temporary basis, land animals.

Would a lion be able to live on Antarctica?

No. The temperature is too cold in Antarctica to support wild animals that must live on land.

What bears live in Antarctica?

No bears or land animals of any kind live on Antarctica: it's too cold and there is no food chain.

What part of Antarctica do seals live in?

Seals live in the Southern Ocean which surrounds the Antarctic continent. There are no seals on land.

How else are sea animals and land animals different?

wekk sea animals live in the water and land animals live on land :)

Why do animals need ice to survive on in Antarctica?

polar bears and penguinsAnother AnswerNo animals live on Antarctica. Sea animals, however, to visit Antarctica beaches to breed, because there are no land predators on the continent. (There are no polar bears on Antarctica.)

What animals are with fur live in water and on land?

Beavers live on both land and water.