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Because you abuse the English language by saying "there" instead of "their".

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Q: Why do parents abuse there children because there child got a bad grade?
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Do your parents have to feed their children?

Yes, parents are required to feed their children. It is considered child abuse to starve your children.

Why does child abuse occur?

Some parents abuse their kids because they have an alcohol or drugs problem, or they have an extreme temper and they take it out on their kids, some parents abuse their kids because the parents went through something traumatic like losing a wife or husband (but that's still not an excuse to start abusing your child!) Some parents abuse their children because they were abused when they were children, and then, you get some people who are just plain cruel and enjoy abusing children. Sometimes kids are abused because of temper tantrums or how they act all the time to their parents.

Why is child abuse a social problem?

it is a problem because it keeps on going because when they child being abused has children there is a possibility that they will abuse there children

Is kicking your children child abuse?

yes because if you cause an harm to your child its counted as child abuse

What is the difference between discipline and child abuse to children at age 12 is whooping your butt because you were disrespecting your parents child abuse or discipline?

If it is done out of love with the intention of leading the child in the right direction, it is discipline. If it is done out of anger or revenge, it is abuse.

Why do parents abuse there child?

because the child might be being naughty or silly.

Why should you care about child abuse?

Child abuse is not only wrong but it can scar the children for life. They can become horrified by people, even their own parents because they were being abusive. If you were a child that was being abused, you probably wouldn't like it.

Why do we have child abuse?

Because, some parents get out of control and hurt you.

How many children get abused everyday in the world?

A lot about 4 children die everyday because of child abuse. Child abuse is a terrible thing.

Is parental alienation a child abuse?

Abused children are likely to feel alienated from their parents, but alienation is not itself a form of abuse, it is just a consequence of abuse.

What is the name of first child in history removed from parents due to abuse?

There is no central database listing the names of children taken from their parents due to parental abuse. Your question is impossible to answer.

What kind of dog is best for children?

I would say that a pit bull is best for a small child because it is very protective and it want let their parents abuse them.