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People meditate to relax their minds and reduce stress and anxiety. People meditate for a variety of reasons. Buddhists meditate to gain greater insight into themselves and the world around them, to practice being more present in the moment, and to learn to focus the mind, as well as to reduce stress and anxiety.

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Q: Why do people meditate?
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Do people who meditate regularly suffer from dementia as much as the general population?

People who meditate regularly have a lower chance of developing dementia.

Did Buddhism believe people should meditate?

The Buddha did teach that people should meditate -- but very specific forms of meditation, not just any old meditation.

What do Hindi people do when they go to a Hindi temple?

Pray & Meditate worship

Sentence with meditate?

I choose to meditate in this moment.

How many times a year do people medatate?

150 million according to Lil B the Basedgod.

What is the percentage of people in the US who meditate?

== == 8%, according to one website article.

How do mandala patterns help people meditate?

because they are creating a sacred area

Where do buddihists meditate?

some meditate in monestrys some in a zendo or a place where they peacefully and seriously do meditation and some meditate in any place they want even in their home so you need not go anywhere to meditate you can meditate wherever you are however you are.

What is the primary goal of meditation?

There are different goals for different people. Some meditate to learn the ability of letting go of thought and it's control. Others meditate to connect to the stillness (Self) within.

Can you use meditate in a sentence?

He would always meditate before dinner.

How would you use the word meditate in a sentence?

To meditate is to consider or think over carefully, or generally spend time in quiet thinking. The related verb to contemplate has a connotation of thought on a subject or subjects.Example sentences:Catholics meditate on the mysteries when praying the rosary.Do you meditate during yoga?I need to sit down and meditate on my life's goals.Taking time to meditate can be helpful and relaxing.I meditate about God and life.(The noun form is meditation.)

Where do Muslims meditate?

First thing is that it is not compulsory to meditate in Islam but there is no such rule that Muslims should not meditate. Meditation can done at any place there is no specific place for meditation, You can meditate in home, work(when you are free), or any where else.