

Why does plants have petals?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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8y ago

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Plants flower for one simple reason: pollination.

The bright coloured flowers and the scent attracts insects towards them. While the insect is sucking the nectar, the pollen grains get attached to its hairy skin. Then this insect visits another flower and the pollen grains might get deposited on the stigma. There you go, the flower has been fertilized and very soon, it wil become a fruit.

Now you will ask why does it become a fruit? Here's why:

To distribute its seeds.

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10y ago

It is a reproductive necessity. If there were no flower they could not reproduce. The flower is where the pollen is stored that attracts the insects to come & land and carry it away on their feet to germinate at a different location. Another reason for a flower is for the plant to bare fruit for consumption, for human or animal. When the animal eats the fruit it gets rid of the seed in its fecal matter and this seed will germinate in the right environment and sprout for another plant. It again is the circle of life

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The flower petals are bright in color so as to attract pollinators such as insects, birds, and animals to facilitate reproduction in plants.

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In most flowers, the petals contain the majority of fragrance, as evidenced by the use of rose and jasmine petals in the distillation of perfume oils.

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