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because it looks like a lady when she is flustered

It's original scientific name is Coccinellidae, derived from the Latin coccineus, which means scarlet. The name lady bug originated in Great Britain as "lady bird", where it became known as "Our Lady's Bird". This was because Mary (Our Lady), the Queen, in early paintings had often been shown wearing a red cloak, and the spots on the common seven spot lady bug were supposed to be symbols of her seven joys and seven sorrows. In the US, the name was adapted to lady bug because, well, it's a bug, not a bird.

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13y ago

Because ladybugs were named that way, and they wont change it to manbug, they (simply) just are! :)

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Where did ladybug get its name?

it got its name from a lady and a bug

What order is the ladybug in?

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Did mrsmollie brown-rust and her 2nd grade students name the name ladybug?

No. But they did make the lady bug Delaware's state bug.

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yes male lady bug is bigger than a female ladybug

Is a ladybug a female bird?

A ladybug is a beetle therefore it is a bug. If they were all femals then their species would not last very long. There are male and femal lady bugs.

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Latin name for lady bug?

Coccinellidae is the Latin name for the Ladybug which is also called a Ladybird.

What kind of bug is like a dragonfly but red?

One example is a lady-bird or lady-bug.

Who are the ememies of a ladybug?

the ememies of a lady bug are... us :(

Do you you tell a girl ladybug from a boy ladybug?

well you just call it a lady bug

What does a bite from a lady bug look like?

The ladybug don't bite but some do the orange ladybug