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i know all yall people need to stop believeing all that crud.


Actually, The world will end, It cant survive forever. But we really shouldn't worry about 'when' it will end, It's VERY unlikely to end in our generation, even the next, or the next. But like other stars in our universe, they have a shelf life, and planets around them stars are destroyed along with them.

That's a proven fact.

So yeah we "believe that the world is going to end", because it will eventually, but I very much doubt we or our childrens, children after us will see this event.

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12y ago

maybe true who knows anyways if the world ever end i am sure that it was cause of the really bad people. if you are good you'll more likely go to heaven so no worries .kk so don't be a Bad Girl or bad boy.

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Q: Does god believe that the world is going to end?
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Is this world going to end?

Many people believe that the world will end soon. Some think it will end in 2012. If you believe in the bible, it says that God will not destroy the earth.

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The world will not end in 2 days because nobody knows when the world is going to end. God is coming to get the ones that believe in him and served him and leave the people that dont believe in him and leave them behind... The world will not end in 2 days because nobody knows when the world is going to end. God is coming to get the ones that believe in him and served him and leave the people that dont believe in him and leave them behind...

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Belief in God will make no difference to when the world will end.

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It will happen when we least expect it. I belive that God would only know when the world is going to end. And the people who don't believe in God would stay on Earth and die with the Earth, and the people who do believe in God will go to heaven before the ends.

What about 2012?

Some say it is the end of the world. i say it not going to end so dont worry about and believe what god says in the bible because hes a true righteous god

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If you believe in God, then yes, He knows.

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people think that the world will end but as i believe and know lots of other Muslims believe that the world is not going to end in 2012. for religouis people they know that the fact is that only god knows the truth and we should leave our trust and future in the hands of god. as i am a mulsim i believe that i will die when god wants me to die

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Its never going to end!

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some idiots say that the world will end cause we wont have energy but i dont believe them i believe that on 2013 a lot of technologys will be created such as future cars that fly or can go on water , spaceships and more

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when ever god desieds the world will end is when it will

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No its not going to end only god knows when it going to end so I guess we will never no when it is going to end.