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A "Charley Horse" is an uncontrolled muscle contraction and can be very painful.

Any muscle can develop contractions but "Charley horse" most often occur in the calf of the leg or the foot. Over use, muscle strain or remaining in one position for a lenght of time can produce one. Tough workouts during the day often result in cramping later when you are in bed relaxing. Dehydration creating an imbalance of sodium and potassium is often the culprit.


Stretch before and after exercise.

Drink lots of water during exercise.

Try one of the "sports drinks" when the muscles are sore.

Do not "flex your toes" when relaxing as this often sets the cramp in motion.

"It hurts, help!"

Massage the muscle hard! Deep rub to relax cramp.

Apply a cold pack.

Apply a heat pack.

Alternate between hot and cold.

Stretch the muscle, "walk it off" Hard to do but effective.

Take a hot bath.

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Q: Why do you get charley horses in your legs?
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You get severe charley horses in your foot at least once a day what causes this and how can you change it?

I use to get Charley horses quite often in my legs and feet and what has help me the most is a bar of soap (open naturally) in my bed between the sheets. My Charles horses cramps have diminish at least 75% of the time. Don`t ask me why it helps but I did read once that for some reason it does help. This was in a Doctor newspaper column.

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Horses are quadrupeds, so they have 4 legs.

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After a few charley horses a month you should probably start searching for an answer to why you are having them. A lot of charley horses are a lack of Potassium which is found in Bananas. Also i found that if you stretch your calf or foot (or what ever else) during the pain, (even though it hurts) it is much better.

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What is HORSES?

Horses are mammals/animals with four legs.

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The length of the horses legs will vary according to the horses overall height.

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Do horses move with their legs?

Yes horses move with there legs . If they brake a leg or twist it then they can't move at all.

Does hypothyroid cause charley horses?

Yes, hypothyroidism can cause charley horses. Some other causes of leg cramps include not drinking enough water, low blood sugar, overworking your muscles, and alcoholism. There are also medications that can cause leg cramping.

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