

Why do you taste this gross taste on your tongue?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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13y ago

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well because sometimes your taste buds are not use to a particular taste and u probably gag or get a grossed out face on yourself.

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Q: Why do you taste this gross taste on your tongue?
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It really doesnt taste much , unless they have eaten food. Then you would taste the food. This may sound gross but there is only your tongue and her and her salavia. No taste so to speak.- try it out with your girlfriend if you have one.

Why are taste buds seen behind tongue?

test buds? lol Taste buds are seen behind your tongue because these taste buds send taste to your brain as a smell, so when you hold your nose and eat something gross like you wont taste it (which i dont know why some people think that works) your actually doing nothing besides not breathing. the smell of the taste is really a taste from your tongue confusing your brain into forming that into a smell also to make food taste very good.

How does the place on your tongue affect what you taste?

the place on your tongue affects what you taste because of the different places on your tongue have different taste buds

What is the taste organ?

The tongue.

How do you taste something?

Your tongue has taste buds. When you eat something, different sections of your tongue taste it depending on what it is.

What are tongue tongue?

They are taste buds, so you can taste all the goodness in your food

Tongue has taste buds to determine?

Four taste sensations: bitter (back of the tongue) sweet (tip of the tongue) salty (tip of the tongue) sour (sides of the tongue)

About how many taste buds cover the tongue?

Their is an average of 10,000 taste buds on your tongue.

What part of the tongue is sensitive to salty taste?

Tongue maps reveal that the tip of the tongue is the part that is the most sensitive to salty taste. However, recent research argues that tongue maps are not valid and that an individual's taste buds experience taste the same.

Where is the taste buds found?

The four basic kinds of tastes are: sweet, salty, sour and bitter. The salty/sweet taste buds are located near the front of the tongue; the sour taste buds line the sides of the tongue; and the bitter taste buds are found at the very back of the tongue. The center of the tongue has few taste buds. Babies have more taste buds than older children and adults. Not only do babies have taste buds on the tongue, but also on the sides and roof of the mouth. Taste buds disappear from the sides and roof of the mouth as a baby gets older, leaving taste buds mostly on the tongue.

How can your semen taste gross within a day?

I don't think it does taste gross any time.

Are there any taste buds in the middle of your tongue?

Bitter taste buds are found at the back of the tongue. Sweet/salty taste buds are in the front of the tongue, sour taste buds are on both sides whereas the middle of the tongue has very few taste buds at all.