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I know that she is a goddess but I am guessing because he needed to know who his mentor was.

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Q: Why does Athena now reveal herself to Odysseus?
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Who did Athena love?

She used to like Percy Jackson's dad Poseidon. Now Odysseus

What does Athena instruct Odysseus he must tell telemachus?

Athena instructs Odysseus to reveal his true identity to Telemachus and to join forces with him to plan the downfall of the suitors in their home. She advises Odysseus to act cautiously and patiently in order to ensure their success.

What is Athena's whole name?

If you mean the goddess, then "Athena" is her "whole name." She's sometimes called by other names, because, as you might have gathered from the name, mythology consists of myths, and there's nothing stopping you from making one now in which you "reveal" her true name as Athena Wal-Mart Kresge.

Does Athena live right now?

athena does not live right now. she died in 0001

What does Athena instruct Odysseus to do now that he is in Ithaca?

When Odysseus returns to Ithaca from his voyage at sea, he is disguised as a beggar and lives with Eumaeus, the swineherd. Odysseus then must win the contest of strining a bow and shooting an arrow through axe-heads that Penelope set up. After he has done this, he must battle his wife's suitors and reclaim his spot as king.

Why would the gods be on odysseus' side now when they have been against him during the whole journey?

The Gods aren't for or against Odysseus. The majority of them couldn't care less whether he lived or died. It was Poseidon that hated him and tried everything he could to delay his journey home and kill him, and it was Athena who was helping him.

Who is Athena now?

i dont know.please answer asap!:)

What country was Odysseus from?

Odysseus was the King of Ithaca, an independent island kingdom in what is now Greece.

How is Hephaestus related to The Odyssey?

Though he is a god, Hephaestus does not appear in the Odyssey at all. However, he is mentioned many times in epic similes when Odysseus is cleansed by Athena. In the epic similes, Odysseus is being compared to Hephaestus polishing silver: "As a master craftsman washes gold over beaten silver--a man the god of fire and Queen Athena trained in every fine technique--and finishes off his last effort, hansome she lavishes splendor over his head and shoulders now" (Book 23 line 178).

Where is Medusa's head now?

With Athena the goddess of wisdom and war.

Who was Odysseus's best friend?

ii dont now

Who was Odysseus best friend?

ii dont now