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Q: Why does NO one answer my questions honestly about aids and homosexuals?
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What are the answers for leadership skills discussion-based assesment?

It is not ethical or appropriate to provide specific answers for assessments as they are meant to evaluate an individual's understanding and critical thinking. It's important to approach the discussion honestly, share your thoughts, experiences, and insights related to leadership skills, and actively engage with others to contribute to a meaningful conversation. This will help demonstrate your understanding and abilities effectively.

Did Adolf Hitler make homosexuals go to the concentration camps?

Yes, homosexuals were one of the persecuted groups.

How much does rey mysterio get paid?

Honestly, I get seriously ticked off about these questions. If you want to know the salary WWE wrestlers get, why don't you get a job as one?

How does one use the words candidly?

The coach answered the questions honestly and candidly. If politicans answered questions more candidly, faith in our govenment would be restored. If you have nothing to hide, then why not respond candidly during the police interview?

How is aids and HIV different?

HIV is an early form of aids. Every one who has AIDS had HIV at one point.

Are most homesexuals American?

nope, homosexuals are evenly disturbed across the global, one in 10 people are homosexual no matter where you live, American homosexuals are able to be more open than homosexuals outside the first world.

How many syllables are in AIDS?

AIDS = one syllable

If you one women without condom which is having one child does you have aids it?

yes you have aids

Where can one find out about AIDS treatment?

One of your best options would be to visit a doctor who is a trained professional that will answer your questions. Your next best option would be brochures that can be found at a hospital or around a health clinic that provide information on AIDS. You can also consult online sites although they might not always be reliable.

Where can one find the 2012 Aids statistics?

One can find the 2012 AIDS statistics on the official governmental AIDS website. These statistics can also be reviewed from Global Health and AIDS Research.

Who administered aids?

No one specific person alone can administer AIDS. AIDS is developed when someone has a sexual intercourse with more than one person. Sometimes, the development of AIDS is instant, and other times it slowly emerges from the one that is infected.