

Why does a frog soak up water though its skin?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: Why does a frog soak up water though its skin?
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Do frogs or toads drink water through skin?

Yes they do, especially the skin at the underside of the thighs is very well adapted to soak up water. In fact you might say a frog drinks with it butt!

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Because your skin is waterproof.

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Amphibians normally have smooth, oily skin. So if you were to pet a lizard, you may notice it's skin isn't exactly wet, like it may sound. That oilly part is formed by water. For exsample; Frogs soak the water in to their skin as they swim. This water drys alittle bit, and then keeps their skin oilly. If a frog doesn't live near any water, it's skin may dry out. Sadly the frog would die. I hope this helped you.

Why does a frog soak up water through its skin?

Amphibians need wet skin at all times to breathe through the pores on their skin .

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toads soak in water from its skin

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To increase its weight and to remove pesticides from the skin of the mangoes.

How much water do you give frogs?

I found a tiny tree frog no bigger than the tip of your pinkie. I took an upside down milk jug lid and filled it up with water. But it really only matters on how big your frog is you want to have enough water to be able to swim in it, and soak up in it.

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If you soak in a warm bath, NOT HOT or it will only dry out skin more, and add some baby oil to the water

Why do you go slower in your clothes in the water?

I think its because the weight of your clothes weigh you down and you have more water resistance pushing against you. I think...x Because clothes have more gravity in them. They are heavier and they soak up water, though your body dosent soak up water. Therefore that is the reason you go slower in clothes!! lolBYE BYE Lizzie :):) Because clothes have more gravity in them. They are heavier and they soak up water, though your body dosent soak up water. Therefore that is the reason you go slower in clothes!! lol BYE BYE Lizzie :):)

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no, they drink freshwater; but they like salt water to soak and bathe in. make sure they can stand/get out of it though!

Can you hold a Dwarf frog out of the water?

African Dwarf Frogs, though able to come out of water, can't live without H20. Their skin dehydrates very quickly and the frog can become serously stressed out if it's out of water. It's best to leave the frog(s) in the tank instead of trying to handle them.

How do you get rid of skin discoloring due to holding and smoking cigarettes?

soak them in cider or soak them inside her