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The whale shark is currently the biggest fish alive in the ocean, and he only eats plankton. Since he's so big, he needs to eat alot plankton, so he has a big mouth to swallow all of it at once.

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no they dont

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Q: Why does a whale shark have a big mouth?
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Is the mega mouth the biggest whale?

The mega mouth is not a whale. It is a shark. It is not the biggest one of those either. The Whale Shark is.

Is the big blue whale the same as the whale shark?

Yes. There all called the blue whale. And also there all the biggest mammals on earth, somebody has just described them as big.

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They have shark tails. If they have shark tails then they'd be catagorized for a shark. They are called a whale shark because their big like a whale and shark because it is a shark (tail)

How many meters is a whale shark?

It depends on how big and how old the whale shark is. :)

How big is the biggest living shark?

The whale shark

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with its mouth

Why is the whale shark named after a whale?

Because it is big like a whale.

How big is the biggest shark in the world?

The biggest shark is the whale shark

Can a whale shark eat a thresher shark?

A whale shark is a relatively "friendly" shark. It eats plankton and other small organisms. While the thresher shark can easily fit inside the whale sharks mouth, the whale shark has no desire to consume it. So no, it can't eat a thresher shark. It is not fast enough. -MNM

What is the whale shark physical appraence?

like a big overgrown shark

What is the difference beetween a whale shark and a whale?

A whale Shark is a Shark, but big as a whale. As a Shark, it has the characteristics of a fish. Breathes with gills etc. Whales are marine mammals. Breathes with lungs, live birth, nurse its Young etc.

How big is a whale shark?

The whale shark is a filter feeder, it lives on tiny, tiny shrimps. It really doesn't have any teeth.