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It means that there will be more particles of the reactants in the vessel, so they are more crowded and collisions of the right energy are more likely.


collisions of the right energy are more likely.

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Q: Why does the concentration of reactants increase a reaction rate?
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What is rate dependence on concentration of reactants?

The reaction rate increase with reactants concentration.

What effect does the concentration of reactants have on the the rate of a reaction?

The effect of concentration of reactants on rate of reaction depends on the ORDER of the reaction. For many reactions, as the concentration of reactants increases, the rate of reaction increases. There are exceptions however, for example a zero order reaction where the rate of reaction does not change with a change in the concentration of a reactant.

What is the effect varying the concentration on the rate of reaction time?

Increasing the concentration of the reactants the rate of reaction increase.

How are the concentration of the reactants and reaction rate related?

rate laws a+the higher the concentration = more particles = higher chance of a collision happening = higher/faster reaction rate

TO INCrease the rate of a reaction why would you increase the concentration of the reactants?

For most reactions which involve liquids or gases, increasing the concentration of the reactants also increases the rate of reaction. This is because the number of effective collisions are also increased which speeds up the reaction.

To increase the rate of a reaction Why would you increase concentration of the reactants?

For most reactions which involve liquids or gases, increasing the concentration of the reactants also increases the rate of reaction. This is because the number of effective collisions are also increased which speeds up the reaction.

What would increase reaction rate?

raising the temperature of the reactants, by increasing their surface area, by increasing the concentration of reactants, by stirring the reactants, or by adding a catalytic agent can increase reaction rates

What cause the concentration of reactants to affect the reaction?

The more concentrated the solution of reactants, the more the reaction wants to push right making more products.Same goes vice-versa; if there's more products, then the reaction will push left producing more reactants.

What effect does the concentration of reactants have on the rate of speed?

The effect of concentration of reactants on rate of reaction depends on the ORDER of the reaction. For many reactions, as the concentration of reactants increases, the rate of reaction increases. There are exceptions however, for example a zero order reaction where the rate of reaction does not change with a change in the concentration of a reactant.

What is the relationship between concentration and reaction rate?

In general (but not always), the reaction rate will increase with increasing concentrations. If the reaction is zero order with respect to that substance, then the rate will not change.

What effect does the concentration on reactants have on the rate of a reaction?

increasing the concentration increases the rate of the reaction

What effect does the concentration of reactants have on the rate of reaction?

increasing the concentration increases the rate of the reaction