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For most reactions which involve liquids or gases, increasing the concentration of the reactants also increases the rate of reaction. This is because the number of effective collisions are also increased which speeds up the reaction.

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Q: TO INCrease the rate of a reaction why would you increase the concentration of the reactants?
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Which will speed up a chemical reaction A Apply heat B Increase the concentration of the reactants C Grind up the substance so there is more surface area?

The 2 ways to increase chemical reaction rate are applying heat or a catalyst. So it is A : Applying heat. ;)

4 What happens when you increase the surface area of reactants in a reaction?

In general increasing surface area will increase the rate of a reaction by allowing more sites for the reaction to take place. However it is hard to answer this question without knowing the specific material in question.

Does volume of solution affect the cell voltage of galvanic cells?

I think it would only increase the duration of the reaction, because you increase the starting materials, while the concentrations stay the same. At a microscopic level it's easy to visualise: The reaction is fueled by the ions interacting with the surface of the metal rod in the solution. If the volume of solute increases, the rate of interacting ions would stay the same. A higher concentration would be a solution where the ions are closer to eachother, so per area, interactions with the metal rod would increase and therefore the rate of the reaction would increase.

What is the function of an enzyme?

The function of an enzyme is to increase the rate of a reaction.

3 factors that influence enzyme activity?

The three main factors that affect enjyme activity are:- a)Temperature:Enzymes generally function properly at a narrow rangr of temperature and shows its highest activity t a particular temperature called its optimum temperature. b)pH:-as temperature pH also has a particular value ,in which the enzymes are most active,called the optimum temperature. c)Concentration of substrate;-with the increase in substrate concentration,the velocity of the enzymatic reaction also increases,till a maximum velocitywhich does not rise any further with the rise in substrate concentration.

Related questions

What is rate dependence on concentration of reactants?

The reaction rate increase with reactants concentration.

What is the effect varying the concentration on the rate of reaction time?

Increasing the concentration of the reactants the rate of reaction increase.

What would increase reaction rate?

raising the temperature of the reactants, by increasing their surface area, by increasing the concentration of reactants, by stirring the reactants, or by adding a catalytic agent can increase reaction rates

What happens to the equilibrium concentration of reactants when the volume of the reaction system is decreased and why?

decrease in reactants and increase in products

To increase the rate of a reaction Why would you increase concentration of the reactants?

For most reactions which involve liquids or gases, increasing the concentration of the reactants also increases the rate of reaction. This is because the number of effective collisions are also increased which speeds up the reaction.

What cause the concentration of reactants to affect the reaction?

The more concentrated the solution of reactants, the more the reaction wants to push right making more products.Same goes vice-versa; if there's more products, then the reaction will push left producing more reactants.

What effect does the concentration of reactants have on the the rate of a reaction?

The effect of concentration of reactants on rate of reaction depends on the ORDER of the reaction. For many reactions, as the concentration of reactants increases, the rate of reaction increases. There are exceptions however, for example a zero order reaction where the rate of reaction does not change with a change in the concentration of a reactant.

What is the collision theory and how does it relates to reaction rates?

it depends on how high or low the reactant is on the temperature.

How are the concentration of the reactants and reaction rate related?

rate laws a+the higher the concentration = more particles = higher chance of a collision happening = higher/faster reaction rate

What would increase the reaction rate?

raising the temperature of the reactants, by increasing their surface area, by increasing the concentration of reactants, by stirring the reactants, or by adding a catalytic agent can increase reaction rates

To increase the rate of a reaction why would you increase the concentration of reactant?

For most reactions which involve liquids or gases, increasing the concentration of the reactants also increases the rate of reaction. This is because the number of effective collisions are also increased which speeds up the reaction.

If you wish to increase the rate of a chemical reaction you might try increasing the concentration of the reactants. (True) or (False)?
