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Because sometimes the joints are stiff and when they are cracked it relaxes them. Cracking them also releases endorphins in your brain. Endorphins make you feel good. Their released during sex too. It's not harmful or anything it's just bubbles in the joints being popped.

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Q: Why does it feel better when you crack your joints?
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Is always being able to crack joints bad?

No it is not bad at all. The cracking noise comes from a gas bubble in your joint. I have always cracked my joints for as long as I can remember and they always feel better after I crack them. To some people it is gross, but 25% of the United States have a habit of doing it.

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"Cracking joints" are an interesting and poorly understood phenomenon. There are many theories as to why joints crack or pop, but the exact cause is simply not known.

What is the purpose of cracking?

It feels good to some. What it does is releases pressure from the joints therefore making the joint feel better.

How to get Arthritis?

Don't crack your joints and don't work too hard

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A joint is a crack in rock; a fault is a crack in rock along which the rocks have been displaced.

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Better in what way? Rivited joints are generally cheaper while welded joints are generally stronger.

When you crack your fingers do pieces of bone fall off?

No. Your knuckles crack because of gas bubbles formed in the joints under pressure.

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Smaller pieces of concrete tend to crack less.

Is cracking your tongue heathly?

You do not have joints in your tongue so you cannot crack or pop it

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What cause the popping sound when people crack their knuckles and other joints?

Bubbles of Gas

What does crack do to you if you have hep c?

it screws up your whole life, having hep c won't change anything don't do crack. smoking weed will not screw up your life it will not kill you and it just makes everything better. it makes food taste better, it makes sex feel better, it makes crappy movies better, it makes you calm, relaxed and happy so don't do crack spark up a doobie.