

Why does mythology exist?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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8y ago

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Mythology is a set of stories, traditions, or beliefs associated with a particular group or the history of an event, arising naturally or deliberately fostered. In terms of Greek Mythology, take the story of Pandora's box, for instance. It is about a woman given a box containing all the world's evils. She was told not to open it, and wasn't told what was in it, but she was curious, and opened it anyway. Suddenly all of the evils flew out of the box, except for hopelessness which Pandora managed keep inside. What's beautiful about this myth is that, yes, it was intended to explain why there are so many bad things in the world, but even more than that it reminds us that the hope of humanity isn't lost, providing us with endurance, ambition, and determination. Mythology is used to explain the unexplainable. In recent times, with so much advancement, our society has been exposed to MANY scientific explanations, contrary to mythological belief. But still, mythology is very INTERESTING and aids us in understanding how people viewed their world towards things they couldn't explain at the time.

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8y ago

It exists as a explanation to the phenomena that happened in the ancient days, and also as a story that could have a good moral for life.

The main reason why mythology was formed was because people didn't have an answer. They made up the reason why things happened. ex. lightning = Zeus threw down lightning bolts because he was angry. Mythology is a set of stories, beliefs or groups.

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