

Best Answer

Because like everything else microwaves are made in China and companies have thrown Quality Control out the window. Most companies do not want to manufacture high quality items anymore but want them to break down as soon as you start using them. It is the biggest scam that the American public has fallen for without putting up a fight.

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Q: Why does outside of microwave get very hot?
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What will happen if you put a rock in the microwave?

DO NOT ATTEMPT! I tried this once, and it ended very bad. I put a rock in the microwave, and set the timer for 10mins and 10 seconds. After some time, the microwave made a KABOOOOOOOOOM, and the microwave door flew open. My rock (I drew a face on him, and named him George) had exploded! :( There was pieces (very hot) of George everywhere, there was dust everywhere, and the room smelled like firecrackers. Oh, and besides that, I broke the microwave and I probably will have to buy a new one for the person who owns it. Also, if I was standing any nearer to the microwave, and would probably ended up in a hospital... VERY DANGEROUS!

Which is better to keep you warm a hot brick wrapped in a towel or hot bottle of water wrapped in a towel?

I think a hot bottle of water cause how are you supposed to heat up a brick.not a microwave cause a microwave use water to heat things up a brick does NOT have water in it

What are 2 energy conversions that takes place when you warm up a cup of cocoa in a microwave oven?

An energy conversion that takes place when you warm a cup of hot cocoa in a microwave is a transfer of heat from the microwave's microwaves to the hot cocoa.

Does microwave radiation penetrate lead?

Only to a very small depth.

Why are there cold spots in microwaves?

The microwave probably couldn't reach the spots. Maybe you could put something inside to heat it up, hot water? You could remove the plate and reheat the microwave before you cook food.

Related questions

Do microwave ovens get hot on outside surfaces?

They shouldn't. ;)

Why do the inside of pop tarts get hot while the crust stay cool?

If you heated them in a microwave, the moist inside heats much faster than the drier crust does. The inside can get very hot while they are still not too hot to the touch on the outside.

Where did the cosimc microwave background radiation take place?

Where? Everywhere. This is the residual radiation, from when the Universe was very, very hot.

Why does the middle of a potato get hot more quickly with a microwave oven rather than a conventional oven?

A microwave heats things up from the inside out. Whereas an oven bakes from the outside, and works its way in.

How can you melt a marshmillow without fire?

Put in in an oven, microwave, or under a VERY hot light.

How do you the outside of a microwave when it has grease?

I don't know. How do you the outside?

How can one safely microwave a hot water bottle?

The best way to safely microwave a hot water bottle is to heat the water in a separate microwave safe container in the microwave and then put the microwaved, hot water into the water bottle.

Why water gets hot in a microwave?

The microwave rays heat it.

Do you put a hot cross bun in a oven or the microwave?


What will happen if you turn on a microwave with nothing in it?

the microwave will get really hot

What are disadvantages of microwave?

Microwave ovens can sometimes heat food to quickly, too severely, or too unevenly, causing the outside to be cold and the inside too hot. Also, sometimes things can explode inside a microwave oven, so it's good to be careful with what you put in there.

Should the outside of a microwave ever be hot?

It can be. The magnetron tube inside gives off heat as a result of its operation, so that heat has to go somewhere.