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It's because Jesus was baptised that way. The reason Jesus had the oil poured on his head was because he was standing when he was baptised and the water would go down his whole body. Now we follow in tradition but infants can't stand.

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Q: Why does the baptism water go on the forehead?
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Where does the Chrism oil go on a baby in a baptism?

The oil goes on the forehead. Isn't that cool.

What are rituals in baptism?

The sign of the cross is traced on the child's forehead by both the priest and the chosen godparents at the beginning of the Baptismal ceremony. This symbolizes that the child belongs to Christ and it is a reminder of the love Jesus has for them. The anointing, and baptism with water.

What are the three symbolic actions that takes place in a baptism celebration?

sign of the cross on forehead, pouring of holy water on the head, wearing white clothing, baptismal fount

How is baptism celebrated in the Church today?

In a Catholic church baptism is celebrated with the child the parent and the Godparents. The priest pours water to cleanse the sins of the baby and then puts oil on the babies forehead to represent the new life of the baby. it is then follwed by a aprty for the baptism.

How is a baptism pool used in a baptism?

The Baptism Pool holds the water that will be used for the Baptism.

Where in the world do most people celebrate Baptism?

It is not the the countries do Baptism but the Christians rite of sprinkling water on to a person's forehead to purify and or to give admission to the Christian church

What is the one sybol for baptism?

A symbol of baptism is water.

Where to perform baptism?

its normally done in a church now, but if you have water and a preacher than your good to go

Differences and similarities between baptism of water baptism of blood and baptism of desire?

Similarites being the water baptism is a physical act and the baptism of desire is not the way that Jesus was baptized. Rather the desire is actually a desire to not have to do more than just think about baptism.

Where is the sacrament of anointing given?

The sacrament of anointing the forehead with oils is done in baptism, and is also done when anointing the sick for healing purposes.

What is baptism bowl?

Baptism bowl is the container that holds the water for baptism.

Where did the of symbol water in baptism come from?

Well, God created baptism this way. The symbol is meant to show the drowning to yourself and living for Jesus Christ. Let me explain that a little. Whether the pastor who baptizes you just puts water on your forehead, or whether you are immersed (which is what I was), it is a sign on drowning and dying to yourself and receiving the Holy Spirit and living for Jesus Christ. I hope that makes sense!