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Yes the rising humidity and temperature are caused by the same process because as the compost heats up the water molecules evaporate which then causes the rise in humidity.

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Q: Why does the humidity and temperature of compost rise?
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Is the rise in temperature and the rise in humidity in a compost bin caused by the same process?


Why does the temperature in a compost heap rise up to sixty degrees?

Bacteria breaking down the materials cause heat. The compost should rise as high as 146-165 Degrees to fully kill all weed seeds and other organisms.

Why do inland cities have the highest high and lowest low temperatures?

Because humidity moderates temperature and slows the rise and fall of temperatures. Inland cities have less humidity therefore the temperature extremes are greater.

Is there humidity in a compost heap?

Yes, to make good compost you need to make sure it stays moist.

What is the Continental tropical temperature and humidity?

the temperature is warm and humidity is dry

What is the relationship between temperature and relative humidity.?

The temperature determines the humidity.

How are temperature and humidity not related?

By marriage. Humidity and temperature are related. The maximum absolute humidity increases with temperature and pressure (up to the boiling point).

What is the effect of humidity and temperature on radioactive elements?

Temperature and humidity do not affect radioactive decay.

The temperature and the humidity in the air mass stay about?


How do you measure humidity in the temperature?

With a Humidity measuring device

What is the percentage of humidity?

The short answer is the maximum percentage of humidity in the air at any temperature is 100%. The percentage of humidity or relative humidity of air is the percent of the maximum humidity or amount of water that the air can hold at any given temperature. Therefore if the relative humidity is 80 per cent at 20 degrees and then the air cools off to 18 degrees the relative humidity goes up even though the amount of humidity or water in the air stays the same. If the temperature continues to drop the relative humidity will continue to rise. Since cool air can hold less air than warm air the relative humidity will eventually reach 100%. If the temperature continues to fall the relative humidity will remain at 100% and water will come out of the air as precipitation.

What happens to the temperature and humidity in a cold front?

Temperature is lowered. Humidity is increased in a cold front.