

Why does the moon revolves around the earth?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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It moves because it likes to be hat and cold! te hee

This question is often misunderstood. I do not know the , I am seeking it. But, in my quest this far I see it has been danced around. Kepler's laws speak of the conservation of angular momentum. So, if a smaller object is revolving around a larger object this makes sense to me that it will continue it's path. And, it can be effected by another object also. But, how did it's orbit begin? I speculate that as the object was being formed there some how reached an equilibrium where it fell into orbit. If anyone knows if this is correct, or has contradictory or congruent opinions I would really like to know. I too am seeking. It helps to think of the earth and the moon orbiting around each other. Our moon is by far the largest in the solar proportion to its host planet. Imagine a planet with a moon identical in size and mass to itself. It would be a binary planet, and they would orbit around their mutual center of gravity, I think, or some point not very far from it. The moon isn't that big, but it is large enough that the earth, if observed carefully, would be seen to wiggle in its orbit as it plays tug-o-war with the moon. I believe the earth-moon system rotates around a point which is actually within the body of the earth. This helps the earth to 'swing out its behind' relative to the moon, enhancing the high tides that happen away from the moon as well as toward the moon.

There are various theories about the origin of our moon. The co-accretion theory is the one alluded to above. The problem with this theory is that there is not nearly enough similarity in make-up of the two bodies to argue that they accreted from essentially the same materials flying around the sun. There is the capture theory that holds that the moon was floating around, having been formed elsewhere in the solar system, and got caught by earth's gravity as it was passing by. The problems with this theory have to do with earth not having strong enough gravity to capture a moon-sized object and have it end up in the relatively stable orbit it occupies. There is the extrusion (?) theory that says while the earth was a gigantic spherical spinning puddle of molten rock, a huge bulge spewed out and eventually settled in to being the moon. Mathematical models attempting to explain this end up proving that it could not have happened; the moon would have had to start out spinning many times faster around the earth than would have been possible.

The best current theory is the massive collision theory, which suggests that a "rogue" planet, close to the size of earth, collided with earth in a glancing blow that was of course more catastrophic than imaginable. Computer models resemble two liquid blobs merging, spraying out across huge areas of space, falling back toward each other and then away again (something a little like those time-frame videos of a drop hitting liquid, only much messier) resulting in some handy things, like the iron content of earth moving toward the center to establish our magnetic core, and a moon of similar but different composition, of a size and in an orbit that is easily explained by the model. It seems the collision theory is currently the most likely to be true.

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because of gravity and centripetal force

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