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Generally, fathers scold children to teach them a lesson. Not in the mean, abusive way, but the life lessons, kinda way. But sometimes, very rearely though, the father will scold because he is disappointed in the attitude of the child. For example, if the older son were aggressive and playing sports and supremely dude-like, he might be disappointed when the younger son turns out gay or something like that.

Hope that answered your question. :)

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Q: Why does your father scold you?
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Why some people hate to be scolded by someone?

Because it will make that person heartbreak and feel so sucks to be scolded by someone. You see, scolding is a feeling of anger and frustrated. So... it shows that the word of scolding is a word of negativity. It's really a bad word. And it will make a friendship or relationship break apart also. So... if you want to scold your friends or the person that you know, you must think first before scold him or her. Must remember, a word of respect is always take place. If not, that person will have a heartbreak. You don't want to make yourself difficult and affected your relationship just because of scolding people aren't you? Unless the person you want to scold to is a robot without feelings.

What is a father complex?

The answer will depend on whether it's a negative father complex, or a positive father complex. A person with a negative father complex will be fearful and distrustful towards stereotypical father figures. A person with a positive father complex will seek out and admire stereotypical father figures. A father complex (positive or negative) is probably brought on by an under-involved father during childhood - your mind believes it missed out on having a father during childhood so it seeks an ideal replacement in later life.

Sigmun freud is a father of what?

Sigmund Freud is known as the father of psychoanalysis.

Who is the father of industrial psychology?

Hugo Munsterberg is the father of industrial psychology

Jung was ambivalent about Freud during their famous clash so he attacked the father of modern?

He attacked the father of modern psychology.

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Which word is colloquial -scold or reprimand?

colloquial word = scold Reprimand is more formal than scold.

A sentence for scold?

One sentence for scold is; The teacher had to scold some students for disrupting the class.

Where can you become a lawyer?

keep scold people scold people scold people until people die..........

Make 10 sentences using word scold?

10 sentences using the word scold:Dad will scold us for talking during the church service.He'll scold the puppy for chewing up the newspaper.Don't scold him in front of the other students.Grandma used to scold us for eating candy before dinner.Scold the kids, but don't belittle them.She'll scold him for hitting his brother.He'll scold the teen for blasting his music loudly at midnight.She'll scold you for not locking the door when you leave.If you don't do your chores, Mom will scold you.The teacher will scold him if his homework is not completed.

Is Scold a verb?

It can be one - "If you don't do your homework, your teacher will scold you."However, it can also be a noun - "He is a horrible scold."

What is the past tense of scold?

The past tense of scold is "scolded".

What is an analogy for the word scold?

scold is to berate as home is to hall

What is the past participle of scold?

Scolded is the past participle of scold.

What is to criticize and add one letter to cold?

scold (I also think the same answer) Ariyanna Goodwine

A sentence using scold?

i need a simple sentence using the word scold <><><><> I will scold you to quit playing on the computer, and do your homework!

What is a sentence for scold?

I can give you several sentences.Your teacher should scold you for copying your homework off the internet.If you don't want Dad to scold you, you'd better clean up that mess.Don't be a scold!

Is scold a long o word?
