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If that happens nothing will happen to any of the males.

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Q: Why does your male guinea pig keep on mating your other male guinea pig?
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Is it bad for a male to keep mating even though the female guinea pig is pregnant?

yes they will fight

How do you make a female and male guinea pig like each other?

During the mating season they will like each other. Otherwise the female will attack the male.

Why does my male guinea pig which I have had for 10 months keep mounting my other male guinea pig for 4 years every time he gets a chance?

Your male guinea pig is trying to mate with your female guinea pig.

How do male guinea pigs act around female guinea pig?

You can put them together during mating season. That's all you can do.

How do you keep mice away from mating?

you just keep them away from a male (if their a female) keep them away from a female ( if their a male)

My one male guinea pig keeps biting the other male guinea pig and he always has cuts on his bum Should i keep them separated or would that stress them out?

Yes, you should keep all male guinea pigs separate. They are very territorial and they will always fight. It will not stress them if they can hear or see each other through the cages.

How do you get guinea pigs to realize other guinea pigs are male?

your guinea pigs should already know the others male.if you want to breed then keep them alone for a while.

When is a male guinea pig sexually active?

When male and female guinea pigs feel hormonal, they purr and shake their hips. This is called the mating dance. So I guess, whenever they feel happy and have a friend.

How do you make a pregnant guinea pig?

Keep them with a male guinea pig. Be careful because sometime the male with harrass the female.

Can you keep two male guinea pigs in the same cage?

I have tow male Ginny pigs an i keep them together and they are fine.

What is the name of male guinea pig?

I think a male guinea pig is called a boar. You can message me for any other guinea pig questions!!

Why is one male guinea pig attempting to mate another?

In many animals mating can mean two things:complete mating for breeding purposessymbolic mating(w/o penetration) to show and establish dominanceThe #2 type can occur male-to-male as well as female-to-female and has nothing to do with homosexuality.