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Because testing cosmetic products on animals is cruel to the animal, How would you like getting new products tested on you? you have no choice and the products may not be safe or may even hurt you and they don't care.

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In fact, they do work and better. Cross species extrapolation of drug testing has led to disastrous results that have hampered not advanced medical science. Thalidomide worked fine on rabbits but ended up causing horrible birth defects in children whose mothers took it during pregnancy. Digitalis was delayed in its use on people because it had the opposite effect on dogs: it raised blood pressure. An excellent source of information on the fallacy of medical science being advanced through vivisection and animal exploitation can be found in "Slaughter of the Innocent" by Hans Ruesch. People's health has been advanced through applying evidence of workable measures from epidemiological studies and improvements in diet and living conditions for people, not expensive drugs. The alternatives are the only real science. The use of animal models are not dependable and for those millions of individuals used each year, life is extremely unpleasant. We have created and justified by speciesist argument a hell on Earth for animals.

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The current laws regarding animal testing are that the animal testing must be carefully reviewed and overseen. There are several laws regulating the use of animals for testing.

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Are there animals used for making or testing cosmetics?

Yes, many animal byproducts are used within cosmetics and animals are routinely tested upon - even if a company claims not to support animal testing, they may use research based on animal testing by other companies or be owned by a parent company who use animal testing. Proctor & Gamble are the worst for this, they not only use animal testing but have supported grossly unethical animal testing and outright torment animals - aka Huntington Life Sciences.

Who decides what the stakeholders are in animal testing?

I think it would be the companys who animal test, people who use the product (suporters), and the people who are against animal testing.

Should you use animal testing?

No, because an animal is also a living thing.

What products use animal testing?

Some (in)famous brand names that use animal testing are: Avon, Arm & Hammer, CoverGirl, Johnson & Johnson, Revlon, and Suave.

What does animal testing mean?

animal testing is when scientists use animals to find out how they react with different chemicals. They would be injected into the animal and then they woul see what the animal would do and record what happened.

Why do you use animal testing?

Animal testing helps to cure diseases and to discover new cures and vaccines for both, animals AND humans. It is totally normal that humans use animals to test on because we use nature for our own health. However, animal testing used for cosmetics is completely cruel and unnecessary.

Why dont people use animal testing alternatives?

There is no alternative. Every day, thousands of peopleare saved from painful diseases. However, we simply do not have alternative methods of testing. Until we have a better system, we must use animal testing.

Does oriflame use animal testing?

yes it does use animal testing because it is medicine.

Is animal testing cheaper than human testing?

yes thats one reason they use animals

Are there any brands of makeup that still using animal testing and, if so, which are they?

Not many companies use animal testing these days, although you'll find plenty of them overseas.