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They use to, but in recent years it seems that uncooked rice harms birds. Centuries ago they use to throw wheat cakes and the tradition comes from ancient Rome where they threw walnuts ( I bet those hurt).

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Q: Why don't people not throw rice at weddings?
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Since Americans throw rice at weddings do Asians throw hamburgers?

Well, I think they probably don't, but some may do it for fun...

What is the purpose of bubbles?

Bubbles look nice at weddings and it is tradition to throw something (usually rice on confetti) but however bubbles are a modern twist on this. Bubbles are becoming more popular at weddings.

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When you throw rice at a departing married couple, it is meant to be a blessing for them. It is for prosperity.

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Bubbles look nice at weddings and it is tradition to throw something (usually rice on confetti) but however bubbles are a modern twist on this. Bubbles are becoming more popular at weddings.

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you cook your rice, and eat it with anything you like. rice goes with everything. throw the phone away you dont need it you need the rice.


In weddings, rice is a symbol of fertility.

How many people can two pounds of rice feed?

8 people depending on how hungry... You should always make a little extra. Never throw away cold rice. That's what you make fried rice with!

Why do people throw rice at you when you get married?

The tradition of throwing rice, began in the Orient. Rice (which symbolizes fertility) was thrown at the married couple in the hope that this would bring a marriage yielding many children.

How many kilos of rice to feed the people of moses?

about one they dont need it

Why is conffetti or rice thrown at weddings?

In Roman times, Wheat was thrown at the bride and groom as a symbol of fertility. Under Queen Elizabeth I, wheat cakes where broken up and thrown instead. Once they became costly, rice was a cheap substitute, and it "stuck".[1] The Urban Legend that raw rice causes birds to explode has been found to be false.[2] Because of this rumor, bird seed or bubbles are now being thrown at weddings. It is an Italian Tradition to throw Confetti at weddings. The confetti symbolize money and good fortune for the couple.[3] A Scottish tradition is to throw flower pedals on the couple. This is also a symbol of fertility.[4]

Is it cool to throw rice at people at a wedding?

many people do it, but if its outside, a bird could eat it, it could kill the bird by enlarging in the birds stomache.

How do you make Cajun dirty rice?

make rice then throw dirt in the pot and then take the rice out and mix the cajun spice with it