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Cats are known to do this if they are out of food and/or water. They may also want fresh water, or may not like the food brand that you are giving them (thus are requesting better food).

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Q: Why has your cat suddenly started to tip her water dish and food dish?
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This will be urine. A piggy is not house broke and will urinate where it wants to. Try attaching a water receptacle or a water bottle for your pet to drink from. You can attach a food dish above the floor of the cage to keep it from pooping in its food dish.

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Get a rock or a small turtle food dish and place lettuce, fruit, or pellets on the dish. Buy a pair and you can have one for water too.

Does ferrets like to tip over their food and water dish?

YES! If the dish is light enough to be tipped, full or empty, it will be tipped. As far as a water dish goes, use a heavy crock or non-tipping bowl

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its not just their food dish they like the water one aswell. they normally find it warmer and more comfy to have something surrounding them as they sleep, i have 2, one is in the water bowl and the other in the food bowl, its just normal for them

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food dish cuisine

How much is a dog's food and water dish cost?

It depends where you buy it! They are usually about £6 or $10 :)

What would you need to supply your new kitten or cat?

A litterbox, cat litter, food dish, water dish, some toys, and a nice place to sleep.

Is dish a noun?

Yes dish is a noun, as you can see it.ANS2:When dish modifies water, it serves as an adjective. "To dish" makes a fine verb, too...Don't dish it if you can't take it.

When putting water into a chafing dish how deep should the water be?

Putting hot water in the chafing dish and then immediately covering it with your pans, plus lighting the candle underneath, would be the best method. If you put hot water in the chafing dish to begin with you already have something in it to keep your food warm rather than waiting for it to heat up.

Do hermit crab need a lot of care?

Hermit crabs don't require lots of care but do need some. Like, Water, Food, Water dish, food dish, extra shells, things to climb on, hermie hut (or place to hide,) correct substrate, and hermit crabs.

What do hermit crabs need?

Well they need a medium sized cage with 2 bags of sand so they can build a hole to sleep in. They need a dish for food and a dish for water.

What is define plate?

It is a flat dish from which food is served or eaten.Refers to a flat dish which food is served.