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A MBS is done to a patient that has had a stroke/CVA to see if there is a swallowing problem. Stroke patients often have speaking problems due to cranial nerve fallout. These cranial nerves are also responsible for the sensory and motor movements for swallowing. if these become damaged, swallowing problems may occur. A MBS looks to see if the patient si swallowing safely and on what consistencies they are not. A MBS is used to see if there are any compensation techniques that can make the swallowing safer or if therapy is indicated. This is done by a Speech Pathologist and a Radiologist

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Q: Why is a Modified Barium Swallow test done for cva patient?
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Can a modified barium swallow test diagnose a swallowing problem?

Yes it can. A Modified Barium Swallow is usually done by a qualified Radiologist and Speech Pathologist and it includes watching a patient eat and drink a variety of consistancies. The food items are mixed with Barium Sulphate (so the food/drink can show up on xray) to see if there is a swallowing problem, why and if there are any techniques and therapies to compensate and improve the swallow.

What happens when you take a Modified Barium Swallow test or study?

The Modified Barium Swallow test seeks to show the individual's swallowing pattern and any swallowing problems the patient is experiencing. - No patient preparation is necessary before the test. You can eat and drink normally. - The total study takes about 10 minutes, with 5 minutes of fluoroscope imaging. - Patient is seated or standing. - The patient consumes a small variety of items containing barium, including thin liquid, thick liquid, semi-solid (pudding), solid (cookie) and a barium tablet. - The study is video-recorded for later play-back and analysis. - The testing is done by a Radiologist and a Speech Pathologist (expert in Swallowing Disorders.) - It evaluates swallowing, including oral cavity, pharynx, larynx and cervical esophagus. - It detects the presence of aspiration (getting food in the air tube) and the causes. - If the patient aspirates (inhales food), therapy is provided to help control it. After the examination, you can resume your usual diet and take your usual medications unless told otherwise by your doctor. For a day or two your bowel movements may look white because of the barium. Sometimes the barium can cause temporary constipation, which can be treated by an ordinary laxative. Drinking more fluids for several days following the test can also help.

A 11 year girl with severe chest pains doctors have done endoscopy barium swallow xray and cat scan NOTHING showed up help?

Lyme disease? Fibromyalgia?

What is the average cost for an Upper gastrointestinal GI series?

I had an Upper GI series (aka: Barium Swallow) done last year which was no picnic! My insurance covered most of it but I had to pay out of pocket $160. Good Luck!

What to do if not passing barium?

I had an upper GI two weeks ago and the barium is still in the stomach and the lower can not be done.

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A modified version of abdominoplasty may be used to reconstruct a breast in a patient who has undergone mastectomy (surgical removal of the breast, usually as a treatment for cancer

What happens when an abnormal growth is identified on barium enema x-ray?

If an abnormal growth is seen on a barium enema, the patient is usually sent to a specialist who will investigate the options of removing the growth. Sometimes further investigations such as a colonoscopy (a tube with a camera is inserted rectally to visualize the area) or/and a biopsy will need to be done to determine the nature of the growth.

What is ugis?

These are tests done in Radiology This means a Radiologist will have you drink a liquid-Barium, for the UGI and take films of the barium going down the esophagus, stomach and duodenum. The SBFT, the same thing- drink barium and special attention is given to the small intestine.

What to do if you swallow a molar?

You will be fine if you swallow a molar or tooth. Kids do it all the time and they don't know it. They're fine. No harm is done.

Can human chew and swallow at the same time?

Yes, they can I have done it with a bunch of food in my mouth before and it can be done

Can you poop out a watermellon?

If you can swallow it. yeah my cousins done it before[; hahaha

What is rad-ugi-sbft?

These are tests done in Radiology This means a Radiologist will have you drink a liquid-Barium, for the UGI and take films of the barium going down the esophagus, stomach and duodenum. The SBFT, the same thing- drink barium and special attention is given to the small intestine.