

Why is a relationship beneficial?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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First, we have to define relationship.

A relationship is how we view the meaning of two people or things viewed together. There is a relationship between the sun and the moon. We see these in terms of relative size, proximity and behavior (the moon orbits the Earth, which orbits the Sun).

There is a relationship between an employer and employee.

There is a relationship between a brother and sister.

We seek to couple with another human being and start a romantic, sexual and familial "relationship."

Each of these serves to give us that which we do not contain. We cannot give ourselves companionship. We cannot give ourselves something by which to compare ourselves/pattern ourselves by merely existing on what we contain.

We benefit from relationships in many ways. We get enjoyment, emotional nourishment and support, the exchange or sharing of resources, the possibility of procreation and the opportunity to learn from one another.

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