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Food cooks faster in salt water because the salt in the water wraps the food which the chemical reactions from the surface of the food and the salt that contracts and it likes heat the food faster.

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11y ago

The addition of salt raises the boiling point of water, hence as chemical reactions "go faster" at higher temperatures food cooks more quickly.

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12y ago

Because the boiling temp of a salt water solution is higher than water. Therefore any food exposed to the boiling solution will experience higher temperatures than boiling water alone.

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because ur wierd

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Q: Why is food cooked more rapidly by boiling it in a salt water than by boiling it in a pure water?
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Food in a pressure cooker is cooked faster because of the?

The higher pressure raises the boiling point of water.

Why casserole cover gets lifted when the food being cooked is boiling?

The cover is lifted when the food is being boiled is due to the water evaporating and turning into gas. When water is evaporated into gas the gas requires more space than the water which increases pressure. This forces the container to open to increase the gases' available space.

Is there an energy difference between cooked and uncooked peanuts?

For the human body to obtain energy from food it has to be digestible, and cooked food is usually more so.

How does external pressure affect the boiling point of a liquid and how is this utilized in the food industry?

boiling point of a liquid is affected greatly by the external pressure as the Increase in external pressure = increase in boiling point e.g boiling point of water is 100 degree centigrade under normal pressure i.e 760 torr and has boiling point =98 degree centigrade at Murree HILLS where pressure is less than 760 torr. hence it is approved that external pressure affects boiling point. UTILITY IN INDUSTRY'' BY INCREASING THE EXTERNAL PRESSURE BOILING POINT INCREASES.SO BEFORE B.P OF ANY LIQUID it has much heat in itself which helps in cooking food earlier As in the case of pressure cooker. This property also plays a role in the VACUUM DISTILLATION for such liquids which decompose at lower temperature

Is the microwave waves harmful to humans?

Notice how it cooks your food? You don't want to get cooked too now do you?

Related questions

Food in a pressure cooker is cooked faster because of the?

The higher pressure raises the boiling point of water.

What is the meaning of parboil pertaining to noodles?

Parboiling is cooking food in boiling water until it is partly cooked, to parboil noodles, drop them into boiling water, when partly cooked remove them and refresh in ice cold water to stop them cooking any more. Finish them off later, either in more boiling water, or add them to a stir fry or a bowl of soup. As they are already partly cooked they will be ready in no time.

Why food is cooked more rapidly in pressure cooker in covered pots?

The higher the amount of heat the faster the food is cooked. Generally speaking the temperature of water doesn't go much over 212ºF(100ºC) and at higher elevations the temperature can be less. This is because water will boil at a lower temperature if it is under less pressure. When the pressure cooker maintains the contents under pressure the water can surpass the normal boiling temperature.

What is the difference between boiling and simmering?

Boiling is food cooked in liquid that is at or just below the boiling point of water (212ºF, 100ºC, depending on altitude as altitude variables change the temperature required for water to boil). Simmering is food cooked in liquid that is below the boiling point of water, but higher than poaching temperature. To keep a pot simmering, bring to a boil and then reduce the heat to a point where the formation of steam bubbles has all but ceased, usually a water temperature of around 200ºF, 94ºC (this temperature also varies as well).

Why is Japanese food usually never over cooked?

A vast majority of Japanese food is "cooked," often either by frying, grilling, or boiling.

Why do vegetables cook better and faster in a pressure cooker?

Because the boiling point of water increases as the pressure increases, the pressure built up inside the cooker allows the liquid in the pot to rise to a higher temperature before boiling thus cooking the food faster than usual.

How do you make culinary steam?

There are a couple of ways to make "culinary steam". The first is by immersing a food, like rice in water, covering the pot and boiling it. But there is also something called a "bain Marie". It's a simple oven steamer. The dish to be cooked is placed in another vessel and placed in the oven. The holding vessel is filled with water and the dish is cooked at a constant temperature (the boiling point of water) and the top steamed at the same time. There are also steamers like rice cookers and perforated trays that can be suspended above boiling water while the food in the trays is steam cooked. The Chinese use bamboo baskets suspended over water boiling in a wok for the same purpose.

What does par boiled mean?

"A process of cooking food in boiling water for only a short amount of time to retain the color, to help preserve nutrients and to firm foods, such as vegetables. It is also used to prepare vegetables for canning or freezing and to tenderize them for further cooking processes. A Parboil procedure involves placing small quantities of food into a large amount of rapidly boiling water for the amount of time specified in the recipe. Food is added in small quantities so that the boiling process is not disturbed or decreased. If the food is not to be cooked again or if it is not to be served immediately or if it is to be canned or frozen, then the food should be plunged into a cold water bath (shocked), after being removed from the boiling water in order to stop any further cooking action. However, if further cooking is to occur immediately thereafter to the food just boiled, a cold bath is not necessary. This process may also be referred to as parcooking or parblanching." -

How did Romans cooked their food?

the Romans would put a bronze pan on a metal stand.

What is the difference between direct simmering and indirect steaming?

With direct simmering, the food is immersed in slowly boiling liquid and cooked until it is done. With indirect steaming, the food is place on a rack above the boiling liquid and cooked by the steam from that liquid.

Why food is cooked in pressure cooker?

An increase in pressure allows an increase in the boiling temperature of the liquid in the cooker. At 15 psi (the highest rated home kitchen pressure cooker) the boiling temperature of water is 250 degrees F.

Why is food cooked quickly in pressure cooker?

An increase in pressure allows an increase in the boiling temperature of the liquid in the cooker. At 15 psi (the highest rated home kitchen pressure cooker) the boiling temperature of water is 250 degrees F.