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Q: Why is it an advantage for animals to have more than one way of reproduction?
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Why is it an advantage for an organism to have more than one means of reproduction?

If their species is going extinct they can reproduce by them self.

How does Sexual reproduction gives rise to more viable variations than asexual reproduction?

Sexual reproduction is when there is two animals or plants needed to reproduce, thus there is more variation in the offspring as the 'parents' are different.

What is the advantage of asexual reproductio?

i am assuming you mean asexual reproduction and it is that it is much fast than sexual reproduction.

What is disadvantage of sexual reproduction?

It takes more energy than asexual reproduction. It produces much less offspring than asexual reproduction does.

Is there more reproduction in captivity or the wild?

More animals breed in the wild than in captivity. However for endangered species, zoos are a way of keeping the species alive and allowing for diversity.

Why is it an advantage for organisms to have more than 1 means of reproduction?

The more offspring an organism has the more they increase their chances of survival. Since offspring die, it is best to have multiples.

What are the advantage of asexual reproduction?

faster than sexual reproduction numerous offsrping can be produced without much energy you dont need a mate you can regenerate lost tissue

What is the primary advantage of sexual reproduction?

Sexual reproduction is more advantageous than asexual reproduction because it allows for genetic diversity. In asexual reproduction there is only one source of genetic material whereas with sexual reproduction there are two sources of genetic material.

Sexual reproduction contributes to genetic diversity in offspring more than asexual reproduction?


Which terms describes when individuals leave more offspring than other individuals?

Differential reproduction

Which aspect of sponge reproduction would be evidence that they are more like animals than plants?

Aspect- Sponges reproduce asexually and sexually which goes to show that it's more of an animal rather then a plant :)

What are the differences between human and plant reproduction?

the difference is that there are different parts in humans than there is in animals