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in case you get lost ! Dur ,the slaved used it to guide the way to freedom

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Q: Why is it important to know where the north star is?
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What is the north star and how did it help explorers?

The North Star is a star that where ever you are, when you look at it, that is north. It helped explorers to know which way is north;)

Why north star was important for navigation?

It always appears due north in the sky and is a reasonably bright star

How does a compass know north from south?

If you see the big dipper the brightest star will be the north star

How did early travellers use the north star so they wouldn't get lost?

If you face the North Star you are facing north, and this helps you to know your direction.

Why is the star so important in Christmas?

Because it represents the "North Star" that the three wise men followed.

How is the northern star helpful?

it lets you know which way is north!!

What makes Polaris the north star?

It is not the brightest star in the sky, as many people think. It's important because it marks, roughly, the "North Pole of the sky".

Latitude and longitude of the north star?

there is no latitude or longitude of north star it just have altitudeand if u are in NH u can find your latitude if know what is altitude of north Star

What was the star?

it use to be a map to know which way is west or north or whatever

Did slaves use the north star?

Exactly what do you mean by this? I don't know. But Harriet did not lead the slaves to any star. She led them through an underground railroad.

Which is farther away from the earth the sun or north star?

the north star. it takes 8 minutes for light to get from the sun to the earth. it takes half a billion years for light to get to us from the north star...i think. but i know that the sun is definetly closer.

The latitude of the North Star is always equal to the altitude of the viewer?

The idea is there, but a couple of important terms are swapped.The altitude of the North Star above the northern horizon is approximately equal tothe observer's north latitude.