

Why is it important to learn a different language?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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for work

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Q: Why is it important to learn a different language?
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Why you need language translators?

so you can understand a language, or learn phrases in a different language.

Why do you need language translator?

so you can understand a language, or learn phrases in a different language.

Why do you need translation?

so you can understand a language, or learn phrases in a different language.

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well english is a very hard language to learn and so it is good and important to know this language

Why its important to learn a foreign language?

Learning a foreign language can improve cognitive abilities, increase job opportunities, enhance cultural understanding, and make traveling more enjoyable and meaningful. It also opens up new perspectives and ways of thinking by immersing yourself in a different linguistic and cultural context.

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Its not THAT important but you need it to learn to write buisness letters and other stuff like that

Why is learning a language important?

Learning a language is important because it can open up opportunities for communication, understanding different cultures, and forming connections with people from around the world. It can also enhance cognitive abilities, improve job prospects, and increase empathy and acceptance towards others.

How do you learn different language faster?

Well There Are This things Called Books!

Qurán translation in different language.?

The Quran is translated into many languages but the main language is Arabic. You can read the meaning in Spanish, French, English, Chinese or any language but when you learn it you have to learn it in Arabic.

It is much easier for children to learn a second language than it is for adultsthis exemplifes a?

It is easier for kids to learn a different language then it is for a adult. Kids most of the time catches on easier and is around others that speaks different.

Is it necessary to learn different languanges?

It is not essential to learn a second (or third) language, though many people do so.