

Why is it only humans that can talk?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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11y ago

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Depending on what you mean by "talk", humans are not the only animals that talk - other animals communicate using sounds. Also, as you probably know, chimpanzees have been taught some sign language.

There is also some (controversial) evidence that the now extinct human species, Neanderthals, had a spoken language.

Having said that, there are features of the human brain that are missing from other animals and the human larynx is different enough from other animals that prevents them from speaking like humans:

* Only humans can deal in the "third" person; I can say "John thinks Jill likes Tom." and you can make sense of it. As far as can be told, no chimpanzee can do that - their brains can't comprehend the concept. * On a more physical level, humans can hold their breath - chimpanzees can't, on the downside, food can go down the "wrong way" for humans - not possible for chimps; both of these are concerned with speech. As to why speech evolved in hominids and not in other animals, too little is known about the evolution of brain functions to be certain.

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