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Norway lies in the temperate region of 60 Degrees North Latitude. As we know sun travels between 0-22.5 North in Northern Hemisphere during Northern Summer and 0-22.5 South latitude in Southern Hemisphere during Southern Summer. Only these parts of the world experience approximately equal days & nights due to direct influence of Sun rays. At 60 North latitude, the sun rays always fall only in an inclined angle all through the year due to spherical shape of the globe. Hence, days are longer than Nights in Norway even in winter & summer.

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Because of the tilt of the Earth at that time of year.

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Q: Why are days longer than nights in Norway?
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No. Italy an Norway is about the same size, but Norway is a little bigger and a lot longer.

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The shifting vertical rays cross it twice in a year so the length of day and night does not change much

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Because the sun is out on the daytime

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The shortest day of the year is the first day of Winter, but the days start to get longer through the first day of Spring - when days and nights are equal - until the first day of Summer, which is the longest day and shortest night. From there, the days start to shorten through the first day of Autumn (or Fall) when the days and nights are again equal. The days continue to shorten until the first day of Winter when the cycle repeats itself. So, the seasons that have days that are shorter than nights will be Autumn and Winter. Typically, its the winter season.

What are the 3 holy days in Norway?

We have more than 3 holy days/ holidays in norway, check them out here: