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The judicial branch is not the most powerful,all branches are the same.No branch is powerful than the other

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Q: Why is the judicial branch the most powerful branch?
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What is the most powerful court in the Judicial Branch?

The Supreme Court

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what are the most powerful judges in the judicial branch called

Is the judicial branch the most powerful?

In legal issues yes. However the congress legislative is the most big event.

What is the checks and balances on the judicial branch?

The checks and balances on the judicial branch is that they... - can make sure no one branch is getting too powerful - to make sure no branch gets too much power - inforce that no branch will get more powerful - to make sure any one branch doesn't get too much powerful

What are checks and balances in government?

The system of Checks and Balances in your government( most likely the US) is a system of government in which the three branched legislative executive and judicial check on each other to prevent one branch from getting too powerful.

How does the president keep the Judicial Branch from becoming too powerful?

i like him

What is the most powerful court in judicial department?

In the United States, the Judicial Branch contains the federal courts. The Justice Department is an executive agency in charge of enforcing the laws.The Supreme Court is the most powerful court in the Judicial Branch. (Judicial Branch being in America.) It is the most powerful court in the country when dealing with federal questions (federal laws or constitutional issues). However, the Supreme Court has no power to reverse state courts when they make rulings based purely on state law (including state constitutions), and there are no outstanding federal questions in the case.

What two branches of government provide checks and balances against the executive branch becoming too powerful?

The Legislative branch and the Judicial branch.

Constitutions made which branch of government the most powerful?

the most powerful branch of the government is the executive branch.

What is most closely related to the judicial branch of government?

The Supreme Court is most closely related to the judicial branch of government.

What is closely related to the judicial branch of the government?

The Supreme Court is most closely related to the judicial branch of government.

What branch explains laws whenever there is a disagreement over them?

judicial branch