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Q: Why do organisms with exoskeleton have to molt?
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Do hermit crabs leave there exoskeleton in there shell after they molt?

No, when they molt their underground, so they get out of their shell, molt, get back in their shell and eat the exoskeleton. You have to let them eat it because it has the nutrients it needs.

Do blue whales molt?

Blue whales do not molt, since they do not have feathers nor an exoskeleton.

Why do Arthropods have molt?

Because they have an exoskeleton. Once they get to a certain size, they run out of room and have to shed their exoskeleton.

Do caterpillars lose their hair?

As caterpillars grow, their exoskeleton (skin) becomes tight on them, so they molt (lose their old exoskeleton). Ecdysone is the molting hormone of insects. It causes an insect to molt.

When must arthropods molt?

When it grows to big for its exoskeleton, like a hermit crab.

Why does a grass hopper molt?

When the Grasshopper grows, its exoskeleton becomes to small. The grasshopper molts so it can grow a new larger exoskeleton.

Do matured tarantula males molt again?

Mature male tarantulas rarely molt once they reach adulthood, however they do need to molt because they need to shed when the exoskeleton gets darker. They will probably molt once a year or less.

Do ants molt?

no ants don't molt because they are living things mean they are like us we don't malt so they also don't molt Yes, ants molt. They have a hard exoskeleton which they must shed several times in their lives to grow.

What is the protective coating that arthropods molt called?

Before they moult it, the protective coating of arthropods is referred to as the exoskeleton. The pieces of moulted exoskeleton after removal are called exuviae.

Is it more dangerous for birds or arthropods to molt?

It is more dangerous for arthropods to molt, because an arthropod without an exoskeleton is more vulnerable than a bird without feathers.

Do bugs leave their exoskeleton because the have out grown it?

Some do, for example roaches and bedbugs molt between instars.

How does the animals with skeleton external grow?

An animal (insect) with an exoskeleton still grows under its exoskeleton like any other animal (insect). The exoskeleton is like a suit of armor, when the animal (insect) grows to big to fit inside its exoskeleton it sheds it, and a newer exoskeleton will grow to fit the animal (insect).