

Why is my honey different color from the same hive?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Why is my honey different color from the same hive?
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Do bees reuse the same hive?

We have a cypress tree in the back pasture and it has had a honey bee hive in it for the last 5 years.

How do bees ferry water back to the hive?

They carry it in the honey crop, in the same way as nectar. They won't forage for nectar and water on the same trip.

Are all bees the same color?

No, honey contains some of the flavour compounds from the flowers from which the bees collected the nectar, so honeys from different sources have different flavours. Honey that you buy from your local supermarket has been blended and heat treated, so has lost most of the volatile flavour components. If you want to try real honey, get it from a beekeeper.

How many calories in bee hive honey?

Honey is pretty well pure sugar so has about 26 calories per teaspoon full. This figure may seem higher than a teaspoon of table sugar, but remember honey is more dense. Weight for weight the calorie count for honey is the same as that for sugar.

Are sweat bees and honey bees the same?

No. Honey bees (Apis Meliferra) are a different species.

Why are honey possums called honey possums?

The honey possum's name comes from the fact that it is nectarvorious meaning that it only eats nectar from flowers. Nectar is somewhat similar to honey in that it is sweet and it's about the same color as honey.

Are there any differences in honey from wild honey bees compared to domestic honey bees?

Bees, be they wild or domestic, produce honey in the same manor. Nectar is gathered, returned to hive, deposited in the comb, water is evaporated and the comb is sealed. The difference is the source of the nectar. Bee keepers will provide their hives for pollination and will label the honey based on the crop being pollinated. For example: If a hive is intended to pollinate an orange grove the honey would be marketted as orange blossom honey and would have citrus notes as expected. Wild hives will gather nectar from nearby flowers. So the honey may be comprised of a more diverse supply of nectar. This will create a more complex flavor.

What three types of bee's live in a hive?

A bee hive is an artificial home provided by a beekeeper to keep his bees in. The bees that he or she will have in the hive will be honey bees - Apis Mellifera. There will be one queen, several hundred drones (males) and up to 80000 workers (infertile females).

Is raw honey and buckwheat the same?

No. They are different. Honey is a substance produced by bees. Buckwheat is a plant grown in the ground.

Why does a beehive have the smell of vinegar?

I just read somewhere that goldenrod honey or aster honey will make it smell like vinegar. We have the same thing noe and our fields are full of goldenrod...and asters. They say the honey is good though, so nothing to worry about. We are going to extract that hive separate, will try to update results.

Do you call a girlfriend honey or hunny?

Its not the same.. a different spelling does matter..

Does shortening need to be the same color?

no it does not it will still be the same just a different color.