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At the end of the Hercules myth Hercules gets poisoned by his wife on accident, Zues was all like "ah crap", and so he was like son come and be a god and a constellation. I think this is right, im not 100%

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Q: Why is the constellation Hercules named Hercules?
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Why is Hercules name Hercules?

there was this half blood named Hercules child of Zeus who had to do these twelve jobs. he was so brave and he became a constellation

Why is Hercules constallation named so?

there was this half blood named Hercules child of Zeus who had to do these twelve jobs. he was so brave and he became a constellation

Why was constellation Hercules named Hercules?

At the end of the Hercules myth Hercules gets poisoned by his wife on accident, Zues was all like "ah crap", and so he was like son come and be a god and a constellation. I think this is right, im not 100%

Who discovered the constellation Hercules?

What we see as constellations is actually a 2-dimensional projection of the different stars in the galaxy. In ancient times, people saw patterns in the sky and so we got constellations. The constellation of Hercules was listed by Ptolemy but it is unknown who first named the constellation.

What kind of constellation is Hercules?

Hercules is a constellation named after Hercules, the Roman mythological hero adapted from the Greek hero Heracles. Hercules was one of the 48 constellations listed by the 2nd century astronomer Ptolem, and it remains one of the 88 modern constellations today. It is the fifth largest of the modern constellations.

What is the name of the largest constellation?

The largest of all of the constellations is Hydra. It was named after a sea serpent that was found by Hercules.

What time of the year would you find the constellation Hercules?

The constellation Hercules is best viewed in July.

Is Hercules a constellation?

Yes, there is a constellation with that name. "Hercules" also has several other meanings.

How many stars are in the constellation Hercules?

The number of stars in the constellation Hercules is debated, but most agree on 14-22 stars in the constellation.

Why was the lion constellation called Leo?

The ancient Greeks and Romans named the constellation as a representation of the Nemean Lion killed by Heracles (Hercules) as one of his twelve labors.

Why was the constellation Leo called Leo?

The ancient Greeks and Romans named the constellation as a representation of the Nemean Lion killed by Heracles (Hercules) as one of his twelve labors.

What are the main stars in Hercules the Hero constellation?

What are the stars in Hercules the Hero constellation? mu herculis, vega, lyra