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Q: Why is voting for leaders significant for citizens of the US?
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What is one responsibility that is only for US Citizens?

Serve on a juryVote in a federal electionTwo responsibilities of US citizens are to serve on a jury and vote in federal elections. The Constitution gives citizens the rights to a trial by a jury. The jury is made up of US citizens. Participation of citizens on a jury helps ensure a fair trial. Another important responsibility of citizens is voting. The law does not require citizens to vote, but voting is very important part of any democracy. By voting, citizens are participating in the democratic process. Citizens vote for leaders to represent them and their ideas, and the leaders support the citizens' interests.

Do us citizens have the right to privacy while voting?


Why do elections and voting matter to us?

Elections and voting matter because they are fundamental components of democracy. They give citizens the power to choose their representatives and leaders, ensuring that their voices are heard and that power is not concentrated in the hands of a few. Elections hold leaders accountable, allow for peaceful transfers of power, and provide an opportunity for citizens to participate in the decision-making process of their government.

What is responsibility that is only for US citizens?

Voting All people must obey the laws whether they are citizens or not.

What was the effect in the US of expanding voting rights?

When voting rights were extended to citizens who previously did not have voting rights, there was more pluralism in the US. When the 19th Amendment was passed in 1920, the votes granted to women expanded the numbers of people voting in the US.

What is one responsability that is only for US citizens?

Voting All people must obey the laws whether they are citizens or not.

What is one responsible that is only for US citizens?

Voting All people must obey the laws whether they are citizens or not.

What right is denied to a non citizen in the US?

voting in presidential elections

What duty of a US citizen is encouraged but not required?

One duty of a US citizen that is encouraged but not required is voting. While it is encouraged for citizens to participate in the democratic process by voting in elections, it is not a legal obligation. However, voting allows citizens to have a say in the decision-making process and can help shape the direction of the country.

The American citizens in Puerto Rico do not have full voting rights?

American citizens in PR and other US territories are not entitle to the presidential electoral vote or voting representation in the Congresssl.

Who is voting denied to?

I think felons, those under 21 and non US citizens.

Do American citizens in Puerto Rico not have full voting rights?

That is correct. US Territories can not vote for the US President.