

Why lava a main product of eruption?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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its just nature and humans cant really do anything to stop it but some say that gas is the main product of eruption!

hope this helps

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Q: Why lava a main product of eruption?
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Is a lava rock a real rock?

Yes. Lava is the name given to magma that has reached the surface via eruption. The word 'lava' is also used to denote the solidified product of lava - extrusive igneous rock.

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Well, hot lava isn't an eruption. Hot lava is what magma is called after it comes out of a volcano.

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The differences are that Pahoehoe produces fast moving lava; Aa produces slower moving lava. The kind of eruption that produces these types of lava is a quiet eruption.

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No. A lava flow usually indicates an eruption that is not explosive.

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Lava is not weather, it is the result of a volcano eruption. The eruption itself can cause weather issues such as falling ash and clouds, but lava is not considered "weather".

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Lava is magma that has reached the surface of the earth in an eruption. When this cools down, it will form igneous rocks.

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Lava flow.