

Why learn JavaScript?

Updated: 11/21/2022
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13y ago

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The Main Reason to Learn Javascript Is:

It is great for interactivity! With it's custom functions for alerts, prompts, confirms, and the fact that it can edit the document within the script, It is very useful when you are programming an interactive webpage!

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How do you recommend a beginner learn Javascript?

I learned it from a book called JavaScript for Kids, it helped a LOT and taught me basically everything I needed to know. The rest I picked up on the way, (mostly ChatGPT lol). If you want some links to the book, paste this in your web browser: data:text/html;base64,PGh0bWw+PGJvZHk+PHA+SmF2YVNjcmlwdCBmb3IgS2lkcyBib29rIFVSTHM6PGJyPjxhIGhyZWY9Imdvb2dsZS5jb20vYm9va3MvZWRpdGlvbi9KYXZhU2NyaXB0X2Zvcl9LaWRzLzcxbkRCUUFBUUJBSj9nYnB2PTEiPkdvb2dsZSBCb29rczwvYT4sICYgPGEgaHJlZj0iYW1hem9uLmNvbS9KYXZhU2NyaXB0LUtpZHMtUGxheWZ1bC1JbnRyb2R1Y3Rpb24tUHJvZ3JhbW1pbmcvZHAvMTU5MzI3NDA4NC8iPkFtYXpvbjwvYT48L3A+PC9ib2R5PjwvaHRtbD4= (I only did that because it won't let me put URLs in this message.)

What is the easiest way to learn Javascript online?

Codecademy (google it) is a simple, nice and interactive way to learn javascript, and other script languages.

What are the best books to study JavaScript from?

It would be more beneficial to code and learn javascript. There is enough material available on web for it & programming languages are better to code & learn then study & learn. If you still insist on textbooks then O'Reily books on javascript maybe a good place to start.

Which programming language should I learn JavaScript or Python?

Javascript is more easier, while Python is more complex. So, maybe you should try Javascript.

How can one learn how to program the JavaScript confirm dialog box into their code?

There are a number of ways in which one can learn how to program the JavaScript confirm dialog box into their code. One way is by reading the relevant tutorials on the website JavaScript Kit.

How do you learn Javascript the book I had and tutorials I did didnt help me much?

I would recommend the SitePoint book Simply JavaScript for starters...

Where can one learn javascript?

There are many places where one can learn JavaScript. One can go to the Code Avengers website or one can go to the Codeacademy site or one can go to the Code School site.

Why did Adobe include a JavaScript editor in Adobe Flash CS3 Professional?

The javascript editor is for the Flash Programming language called Actionscript. This is based on the ECMA guidelines that javascript is based on, therefore if you know javascript, Actionscript will be refreshingly easy to learn for you.

How do you easily learn javascript?

Help with w3c claim

Is it necessary to learn css to learn javascript?

yes its necessarry to learn css basis .... refer w3c shool css tutorials.. all the best

hello I want to be a Frontend developer.I need a good Javascript tutorial.can you suggest me a perfect Javascript tutorial?

If you got no answer here, you could type your question on Googleyoure looking for a great javascript tutorial, there are many resources available online that can help you learn this powerful language

How do you save javascript on Roblox?

It is not possible to save and execute Javascript code on Roblox. You can save Javascript code as plain text in script objects, but there is no way to execute the code. Roblox uses a scripting language called LUA in-game which is somewhat similar to JavaScript, but it is not identicle. You can learn about LUA syntax on the Roblox wiki.