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Love is the most important of all the values. Love the presence of love in our life, the love we have for our families, our friends, our faith and for ourselves. Love is the beautiful feelings that express honesty, affection and friendship. God has created such a wonderful feeling. No living being can live without love. Love is as important as the air that we breathe.

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Obie Bradtke

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1y ago
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Q: Why is love so important in life?
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Of course! Love may be an important thing on this world, but you got a life to live! You can do anything! So, 1 million times yes!!

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love helps you go through many things and if the love is a person, he/she will always be there for you and so you may never think that you are alone, also it is a very important part of your emotional life.

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A love in life means that you love life so much.

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The ISBN of To My Daughter with Love on the Important Things in Life is 0-883-96246-2.

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