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Cement is hard and has no "give", thus the g-force of the impact is higher than on sand which is soft and has "give".

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Q: Why person get more injured when fall over cemented floor than over sand?
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Why a person falling on a cemented floor gets hurt?

Cement floor is hard... if u fall... u get hurt... badly... real bad... If it is more than 100 ft drop... U DIE!

Why do you hurt more when you fall on a cemented floor than mud floor?

When you fall on a mud floor, the mud compacts down like a pillow. It is soft and slows down your fall. But the cement floor is very hard and rigid. It does not compress down like a pillow. So you feel the impact alot more.

What is the highest distance a person can fall from and land on grass without being injured?

14.6749040 feet

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The nets are in place to catch an acrobat should he fall. Without the nets the person might get injured or killed from the fall.

Why can a drunken person has a less chance of being injured in a fall than one who is sober?

drunk people cannot get hurt.

Who injured Matt Hardy?

MVP and Randy Orton injured Matt Hardy in Fall 2007

How do people critically injured go to the toilet?

they fall in :(

Can you sue for a slip and fall if you wasnt injured?

It is possible to sue for a slip and fall even if you were not injured. You can still seek compensation for any damages or expenses incurred, such as torn clothing or lost personal items. It is advisable to consult with a lawyer to evaluate the circumstances of your case.

Why is it necessary not to crowd around an injured person?

crouding around can make it uncomfterble for the patent, hard for the medics to do there job and someone might step on or fall on the patent.

How can it be determined if negligence was involvedd in a slip and fall accident?

Negligence in a slip and fall accident can be determined by examining if the property owner failed to maintain safe conditions, provide warnings of any dangers, or address known hazards. The key is to assess whether a reasonable person in the same situation would have taken precautions to prevent the accident. Evidence such as maintenance records, witness statements, and the property's history of addressing hazards can help in establishing negligence.

Which system is the most easily injured if you slip and fall?


Hazards at home?

A hazard is something that puts you or another person potentially at risk E.g a wet floor you could p[ossiably not see the wet floor and fall over and injure yourself. :)