

Why poverty is increasing?

Updated: 10/23/2022
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12y ago

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The economy is going downhill and a lot of people dont have jobs

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Q: Why poverty is increasing?
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people are not aware of how important education is that is why poverty is increasing because not a lot of people are going to school and learning.

What impact does poverty have on local communities?

because educated people are in this situation cause there are no jobs and you fid poverty taking place in deed increasing in the community

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lol politician are worst and poverty is increasing day by day.

General description of population situation in India?

India's population is increasing rapidly, and many people there live in poverty.

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by makin every one educate n increasing more job opportunity

What does increasing poverty in the countryside mean?

Increasing poverty in the countryside can mean a few things; first that farming is not being productive. It can also show that there is a breakdown of getting resources to the countryside and that the country side is not thriving economically. There may also be transportation limitations to get out of the country and into the city where more jobs might be.

Why is increasing literacy an important issue in underdeveloped countries?

because it could also help with poverty in 3rd world countries!

What are some topics for a research proposal concerning poverty?

You could try these: -Increasing income gap between the upper, middle and lower classes -Sickness prevalence in lower income levels -Organizations that are trying to combat poverty -Social rights of those in poverty (or lack thereof) -Ideas on how to solve or alleviate the problem of poverty -Noteworthy impacts from organizations on poverty around the world Hope some of these can help

How do you break a vicious circle of poverty?

whatever we say same we have to practically do. it is the duty only not for our government. even all citizens of country have to help to alleviate the poverty only then we can get out of poverty

How does growth in population affect economic development of country?

Every one know that, now a days population increasing. due to increase in population , poverty is also increase. it affect on our economic development. growth of economic development stop by poverty.

What causes poverty in Rwanda?

Low technology is unlikely to "cause" poverty in Rwanda. It is far more likely to draw emphasis the already existing poverty by increasing the divide of the educated people there who are likely to take advantage of high technology in comparison to the uneducated ones who won't have the opportunity to.