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To let steam out during baking so that the top crust stays attached to the bottom.

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11y ago

Most two crust pies should have slits cut in the top crust. The slits allow steam to escape, preventing the top crust from bursting or cracking.

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Slitting the crust allows air and steam to escape and avoids having your crust bubble up on top.

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Q: What is the purpose of slitting a pie crust before baking?
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What is the purpose of the crust of a pie?

There are several purpose of the crust of a pie. However, the main purpose of the crust of a pie is defining the pies. A filled pie has pastry lining the baking dish, and the filling is placed on top of the pastry, but left open.

What is the purpose of eggs while baking?

Sometimes they are good binders, and sometimes they give a nice golden crust.

How do you keep the pecan pie filling from leaking through crust while baking?

Don't prick holes in the crust before baking. You only do this when you prebake the pie shell for a cream pie. Any pie that you bake with the filling in it should have a solid crust just the way it is rolled out.

Should you defrost butter tart pie crust before baking?

If you like it soft, then don't, if you like it hard, then do.

How long can you keep shortcrust pastry in the fridge?

To pre bake a pie crust takes about 20 minutes. But this can vary, depending on your oven's accuracy. Pre heat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit before putting the pie crust in the oven. And if you are pre baking the pie crust, be sure to prick the crust with a fork all over the entire sides and bottom of the crust to prevent shrinkage. Some bakers prefer to also put a 'filler' in the crust before pre baking, such as dried beans. This helps it to retain its shape, and also helps with even browning. If the edge of the crust begins to brown before the bottom of the crust is done, you can cover the edges of the crust during the last few minutes of baking.

What is the purpose of the earths crust?

The earth's crust does not have a purpose. It is a physical result.

What is the purpose of the earth's crust?

The earth's crust does not have a purpose. It is a physical result.

Is pie crust edible?

Yes, if you bake it! It's delicious. You can sprinkle it with cinnamon sugar before baking, for a great treat. This works nicely if you have extra pie crust after making a pie.

Why are pie shells pricked thoroughly with a fork before baking?

so that the heat can be let inside, and so the juice can escape the crust

What is a crust in terms of baking?

the crust is the outside part that was exposed and is browned by the heat the inside part is the crumb or grain or filling depending on what u are baking

What does flute in baking means?

you flute a pie crust by pressing a decorative edging into crust

Is baking powder in pie crust?

No, pie crust is called a "short" dough which means it has no leavening.