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The rich should pay higher taxes because they exploited the poor and that is how they got rich. If the rich pay the poor accordingly the poor wouldn't be as poor and maybe not even poor at all. And the rich would still be rich just not as rich. Some rare historical periods regulated exploitation and provided for building middle class, the rich hate the middle class because middle class competes with them. So because of this there is always a struggle between rich and poor. In a perfect world there would be more fairness and less disproportion. I am not calling for absolute equality but one making 400 - 500 times over another is not right. No one works that hard.

I am sure the comments below were written by the wealthy and privileged person.

They shouldn't. I believe, and someone please correct me if I'm wrong, that richer people pay a higher % of taxes because they are assumed to "consume" more.

Put a person making $25,000 next to a person making $500,000, both consuming the same amount in life and tell me why the more assertive, more persistent, harder working human being making more money should be penalized for his/her effort.


There's no answer on the internet and this is a sheep concept -- in other words, it is what it is because it's been this way for such a long time.

When the top 5% of our nation goes on strike, goes out of business, stops working and puts up a fight, only then will America really address the issue (when the rich are done paying for the poor and unlucky)

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